Holy Bird Swan Hans and Its Place in Spirituality

Hans – The Stage of Human Life
There are 10 mysterious religious birds in Hindu Dharma and from them the first is Swan or Hans. According to Hindu Dharma, human stages are divided in 10 stages and when a person proves them or accomplish them, then we call that “ The Man Reaches to Swan Stage or Hans Stage ”. To reach that place a person need to mediate till he sepulchres himself, after this he need to reach the last place called “ Paramhansa “. Parmahansa is the highest ranking in human stage. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Intelligent Clever Smart Owl and Its Use in Black Magic ... 
Holy Bird Swan Hans and Its Place in Spirituality
Holy Bird Swan Hans and Its Place in Spirituality
Swan – Home for All Gods and Deities :
Swan is the most important bird in all birds because people say that swan is that bird where god spirit lives. It means if you do good deed in your life, helps other, and tries to makes everyone happy and complete all the rules of Yamraj then your soul will got Swan’s body to live and here you will leave with Gods and Deities. Here soul lives and wait for auspicious time, when the time comes you may get a new life as a human again or soul may go to Dev Loka or Heaven.

Swan – Sign of Peace, Love and Purity :
As you know the color of swan is white which represents Peace, Love, purity and Intelligence with patience. It is said that swan is a treasure of knowledge and that is why human life is also represented by the name of Hans / Swan. But why everyone says Swan a treasure of knowledge? The biggest reason behind this is that swan is a vehicle of The Goddess of Knowledge Saraswati. You can see these birds only in a peaceful environment like ocean beaches or in lake. CLICK HERE TO KNOW Auspicious Bird Black Crow and Its Religious Importance ... 
Swan Shows the Stages of Human Life
Swan Shows the Stages of Human Life
Swan – Best Couple :
The other most interesting and important thing about swan is that they enjoy their marital life or you may call them the best example for married couples because a Swan lives its whole life with only one partner. If anyone of them dies then the other survives his whole life alone.

One more best thing is that a swan chooses its partner with lot of intelligence means they don’t fight for female partner ( like other animals and birds do ) but they have feelings for their society and family members. In Hindu Dharma, Killing Swan is similar to killing own father, god or teacher, with that the murderer live in hell for his lives or birth. That’s why Hindu always respects this bird from heart. Australia is a place where you can see black Swan as well.

Swan Hans is Home for Deities
Swan Hans is Home for Deities

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