Flore du Québec, Fleur de Lys
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Kidney-leaved violet

Viola renifolia

Violette trousse-dents

  • Identification
  • Presentation
  • Identification
  • Names
You have to look close to the ground to see the Kidney-leaved violet, furthermore it rarely forms large mats


Widespread at least until the tundra.


Mainly in coniferous forests, especially spruce.


In bloom in early May until June.


There is in Quebec three other species of white stemless (without stem, leaves and flowers come directly from the ground) violets,the one that resembles it the most is the Sweet white violet (Viola blanda), but the latter form stolons (stems, often at the surface, which, rooting, produce other plants, such as on strawberries, for example ), which allows it to extend in full carpet.
The Small white violet (Viola mccloskey) witch has flowers that rise much above the leaves.
The Lance-leaved violet (Viola lanceolata) is distinguished by its much longer than wide leaves.
There is also the Woolly blue violet (Viola sororia) that usually has blue flowers, sometimes has a form with white flowers.
On top of all, the four stemless Violet with white flowers hybridize with each other.
Kidney-leaved violet (Viola renifolia)
Kidney-leaved violet : 1- Flower
Kidney-leaved violet : 2- Flowering plant
Kidney-leaved violet : 3- Leaf
Kidney-leaved violet : 4- Back view flower
Kidney-leaved violet : 5- Flowering plants
Kidney-leaved violet : 6- Flowering plant
Photos of  Viola renifolia

