Note: PiS and United Left are alliances, the number of seats for each alliance reflect the combined number of seats won by all their respective members

Which party would you vote for?
Sample size = 550-650, +/- 4 pct pts.

Who will you vote for in the election?
Sample size = 778-832, +/- 4 pct pts.

Millward Brown
If the election was taking place on Sunday, which party would you vote for?
Sample size = 432-1,025, +/- 4 pct pts.


The centre-right Civic Platform (PO) party has been in office since 2007 with almost half of the 460 total seats, but the recent election shows voters favoring the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party.

Sources: National Electoral Commission; Reuters; Inter-Parliamentary Union; Ipsos; IBRiS; Millward Brown; parties' official programs; public statements
By Christine Chan, Vincent Flasseur, Travis Hartman, Marcin Goettig and Wiktor Szary | REUTERS GRAPHICS