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Potato Hash Hashcapades Cookbook

How to Build Your PDX Breakfast Cred

Let’s say you were on a mission to uncover the best places in Portland for breakfast. Would you a) Google it; b) head to The Pearl; or c) hire a brunch sherpa? While Google may result in an array of choices and The Pearl may suffice, the correct answer is C. Why? Because hiring a brunch sherpa […]
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Bobby Flay’s Sweet Potato-Chicken Hash

Portlandia, we have a problem…it’s too bloody hot!!! Running? Forget it, already did Leg 12 of Hood to Coast in 90-degree heat – color me toast. Cooking? Forget it, my kitchen is not slated to become the inner circle of hell, thank you very much. Hashcapade? See prior comment.

Wait a minute. Begin free association: Hot? Grill. Heat? Spicy. Chef? Bobby Flay. Yusss! (Imagine spirited cavorting and general silliness, which is a form of constant self-amusement for me.) Now all I need to do is pick one of Bobby’s potato hash recipes from my List of Celebrity Chef Hashes…ah, Sweet Potato-Chicken Hash!

Sweet Potato-Chicken Hash with Green Chile Hollandaise at Chez Clark

As you can see from the finished product in Chez Clark‘s special studio, I used a food-ring to amp up the presentation. I simply copied the version I ate at Mesa Grill in New York. For the skilled hollandaise sauce mavens, I salute you! This was my very first attempt and I barely succeeded with my cheap-o blender, but it worked by following Bobby’s directions.

Now, back to the inside scoop on grilling. I diced the sweet potatoes, drizzled olive oil on them, added a little salt and pepper, placed them on a rimmed baking sheet and into the grill at 425 for about 15 minutes. Watch out for hot spots that could crispen the taters too quickly – I mixed them around every 3 minutes or so.

Sweet potatoes on the baking sheet – ready for the grill!

Another use of the grill was pretty straight forward – place the poblano pepper in its own zone on the grill, crank it up to high and let it roast. I simply turned it every time I tended to the sweet potatoes. Once it was nicely blistered and scorched, I placed it in a paper bag, sealed it and let it sit for 10 minutes or so. This little trick makes peeling the skin a piece of cake!

Grilling the poblano chili is super easy.

My final heat-reducing strategy was also a time-saver – buy a rotisserie chicken. The grocer gets to worry about the hot kitchen while I double-down on getting to the finish line! Oh, one more tip: to get the mixture to bind more easily, I added about 1/3 cup of creme fraiche. This also helps with the food ring (no grilling of potato hash patties occurred).

Getting ready to mix the sweet potato hash together…
Another view of the Sweet Potato-Chicken Hash with Green Chile Hollandaise

The dish was sublimely delicious and flavorful. I wish I had added more chipotle to get a bigger heat index in my mouth, but that’s why they invented adobo sauce! I scooped some more out of the canned chipotles after I shot this photo to amp it up. The combo of the sweetness from the potato & the honey and the heat of the chipotle was brilliant, just what you’d expect from Mr. Flay!

Let me know if you try this at your casa and please, stay cool!

Happy Hashcapades,

2 Responses to “Bobby Flay’s Sweet Potato-Chicken Hash”

  1. the wicked noodle

    Yes, yours looks much better than my version! 🙂 Either way, this is a killer recipe. I haven’t made it in a long time, I think I’ll whip some up this weekend. Cheers!

    • Clark Haass

      Thanks, Kristy! I love your blog, by the way and yes, I do want to be Delicious and have signed up 🙂 Cheers!

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