Lonicera sempervirens
Coral Honeysuckle, Trumpet Honeysuckle


Plants as seen in their local environment. Flowers occur in groups of one to many.

Clematis drummondii - Drummond's Clematis, Old Man's Beard

Flower - Unisexual, square peduncle, spreading sepals.

Image courtesy of C. Newsom

Flowers - Long, narrow cream-colored sepals with nothing (no staminodes) between the sepals.

Image courtesy of C. Newsom

Flower - Bud

Image courtesy of C. Newsom

Fruit - A cluster of very long (4-9cm) silky fronds each with one seed (achene).

Image courtesy of C. Newsom

Foliage - Upper surface, leaves composed of 3 highly lobed leaflets

Image courtesy of C. Newsom

Foliage - Leaflet undersides with long hairs.

Image courtesy of C. Newsom

Stem - Woody. Node showing hairs (hirsute), stem(right) and petiole(bottom) both ribbed.

Image courtesy of C. Newsom

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