Perotripus brevis (La Follette 1915)

節足動物門 甲殻亜門 軟甲綱 フクロエビ上目 端脚目 Senticaudata ワレカラ科

male 4.1mm
rocky shore, intertidal, under gravel
Kan-non Zaki, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
collected by Kazuyuki Yamada
24 April 2012

Paedaridium breve [basionym] La Follette 1915

Perotripus brevis Laubitz 1970. McCain 1975 371-372 pl.87-6. Guerra-García 2006 432-433. Guerra-García Lowry 2009 317. Lee Hong 2010 53, 57.

Perotripus sp. 青木 武田 2006 66.

  韓国産 P. koreanus Lee & Hong 2010 との識別点は 頭部の棘の有無,第2胸節の体側の棘の形状,第5胸脚指節の形状, 第6胸脚前節の形状(Lee Hong 2010).
  G.B.R.産 P. keablei Guerra-García 2006 との識別点は 第2胸節の体側の棘の有無,第3胸脚が1節か3節か,陰茎の大きさ, 腹節の付属器の有無(Guerra-García 2006).

  伊豆下田,千葉県天津小湊,P. brevis とは別の未記載種 (竹内 平野 1987, Takeuchi Hirano 1995 in 青木 武田 2006). ※ 両文献と原記載を参照していないので保留. Perotripus sp. とはしない.

01 July 2012; modified 20 July 2015

  1. 青木 優和 & 武田 正倫 2006 伊豆半島下田沿岸のワレカラ類. 国立科博専報, (41): 65-70.
  2. Guerra-García, José M. 2006 Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Great Barrier Reef and adjacent localities. Records of the Australian Museum, 58: 417-458.
  3. Guerra-García, José M. & J.K. Lowry 2009 Caprellidae. Zootaxa, 2260: 290-327.
  4. La Follette, R. 1915 Caprellidae from Laguna Beach. Journal of Entomology and Zoology, 7: 55-63.
  5. Laubitz, D.R. 1970 Studies on the Caprellidae (Crustacea, Amphipoda) of the American North Pacific. National Museum of Natural Science, Ottawa, Publications in Biological Oceanography, 1: 1-89.
  6. Lee, Kyung-Sook & Soon-Sang Hong 2010 A new species of the genus Perotripus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) from Korea. Animal Cells and Systems, 14(1): 53-58.
  7. McCain, John C. 1975 Phyllum Arthropoda: Crustacea, Amphipoda: Caprellidea. 367-376. in Ralph I. Smith & James T. Carlton (eds.), 1975 Light's Manual: intertidal invertebrates of the central California coast. 3rd edition 4th printing with correcting, 1989, University of California Press. pp.721.
  8. 竹内 一郎 & 平野 礼次郎 1987 千葉大学理学部小湊実験所地先のワレカラ相. 千葉大学海洋生物施設年報, 7: 20-23.
  9. Takeuchi, I. & R. Hirano 1995 Clinging behavior of the epifaunal caprellids (Amphipoda) inhabiting the Sargassum zone on the Pacific coast of Japan, with its evolutionary implications. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 15: 481-492.