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Last Updated: Sunday, 20 March, 2005, 15:38 GMT
In pictures: Japan Expo 2005
Harvest of Paradise room of the Spanish Pavilion at Aichi Expo 2005
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Environment and technology are the themes of the 2005 world expo about to open in the Japanese prefecture of Aichi.
Communication robot Actroid, Aichi Expo 2005
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The six-month event is meant to showcase the best of Japanese innovation to the rest of the world.
Toyota partner robot music band members
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Robot musicians take to the stage with their instruments in the Toyota Group pavilion.
Toyota Group pavilion, Aichi Expo 2005
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Toyota is also unveiling its "i-foot" robot, which it says could one day replace wheelchairs.
Japan Pavilion, Aichi Expo 2005
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This is said to be the world's first 360-degree all-sky image system known as "Earth Vision".
Open Your Mind theatre, Aichi Expo 2005
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Japan's famous animator Mamoru Oshii is behind the images on the floor of this multi-screen display.
Global House Pavilion, Aichi Expo 2005
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Tipped to be one of the most popular exhibits is the head of an 18,000-year-old frozen mammoth, found in Siberia.
Corporate pavilions at Aichi Expo 2005
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The expo opens on 25 March and Japan hopes it will draw 15 million visitors before it closes in September.
3D technology simulation invented by Dassault Systems at the French Pavilion , Aichi Expo 2005
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But some wonder if expos - which began in London in 1851 - are still relevant in the age of internet and easy travel.

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