NOMENCLATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE: Guabiroba-taia from the tupi “Fruit of the bitter peel” and the term taia means "sour pulp" (like lemon). Also haired Guabiroba, Forest Guabiroba and Guabiroba Açu of the Atlantic Forest.


Origin: Very rare species, which occurs in the undergrowth of the Atlantic Forest of Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and of the north of São Paulo vorkommt. More infos in the Portuguese language at the link: giospermas_&family=Root_.Angiospermas_.Myrtaceae_&genus=Campomanesia&species=&author=&common=&occurs=1&region=&state=&phyto=&endemic=&origin=&vegetation=&last_level=subspecies&listopt=1


Description: Branched shrub or small tree reaches heights of 1-3 m. Its main feature is ribbed and hairy twigs, leaves and fruits with long whitish hairs. The leaves are papyrus-like (like paper), broadly to the middle, then top with elongated, measuring 5 to 8 cm long and 2.1 and 3.7 cm wide. The flowers are in the axils of leaves formed on the terminal shoots, protected by hairy bracts (modified leaves of the kind) that contain protected green sepals, which are retained in the fruit and 4 to 6 mm in length. The petals are white and last a few days. The berries are cylindrical at the poles and measure 3 to 6 cm in diameter and taste very much like  Cambuci (Campomanesia phaea).   


Culture infos: Subtropical plant, can be cultivated in all altitudes, is very resistant to up to 5 months of drought and to -2°C, recovers in the spring even after total defoliation quickly. It can be grown all over Brazil, in any type of soil, where the rain water can drain or even clay soils, in the flood plains on the banks of the rivers. Can be planted  in full sun or the canopy of larger trees. It can also be grown in large pots.


Propagation: The seeds are cream-colored, slightly unruly (quickly lose their ability to germinate). They germinate easily within 30-40 days when planted in beds with substrate rich in organic matter. When the seedlings have reached 10 cm, they must be separated. The seedlings grow with 50 % shading. The seedlings reach a height of 25 cm after 8-9 months after gemination, and the fruiting will begin after 1-2 years, depending on soil and care.


Planting: In the orchard planting at a spacing of 3 x 3 m. After planting, irrigation with 10 liters of water per week during the first 2 months. The holes should be 40 cm in three dimensions should be filled to 25 cm below the surface with 8 kg of organic matter mixed with 500 g of ash and 500 g of calcium and then let it act for 2 months. Planting should be done in October (in the northern hemisphere in April). For planting in pots substrate with 50 % red soil, 30 % organic matter and 20 % sand, clay and plaster.


Culture tips: Pruning of the crown and removing branches that grow from the trunk base. It is a plant that can be cut and shaped according to the favor. Fertilization with organic compost can be 3 kg of organic compost, well mixed with 20 g of NPK 10-10-10, double the amount every year to the 3rd year in the early spring fertilization, followed then by a simple quantity.


Use: Harvest time from May to July. The fruits have a taste that is reminiscent of that of the Cambuci, but with similar acidity as lemon, perfect for attracting birds. Therefore, the fruits are best suited for the manufacture of soft drinks or jelly and ice cream. Rare plant that is endangered of extinction and must be protected.




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