Vampire Fish

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Scientific Name : Vandellia cirrhosa.

Geographical Distribution :  Amazon River Basin, Prata and Sao Francisco

Habitat :  Lives on muddy places.

Feeding : Its an haematophagous Fish, feeeding on blood from anything it may find, even humans.

Characteristics:  Skin very soft, blueish color small eyes. It penetrates on any small hole it may find. Its bones are sharp around the head. It penetrates in other fishes in order to extract blood. It may have from 1 to 7 in  lenght. Its body may have an average of 0.2 in Diameter.

Be Aware!

People from the amazon are afraid of this fish. It can penetrate in women's vagina and men' Urethra causing extreme pain. Once it penetrates in the human body, the only way it can be pulled out is thru Surgery. If not removed, it can cause infection that leads to death.

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