Gastrana matadoa (Gmelin, 1791)
SE. Indian Ocean, South Africa to S. Spain.
Deposit feeder in the infralittoral, burrowed in sheltered sandy bottoms, often near estuaries.
Original taxon: Venus matadoa.
Synonyms: donacina, guinaica, ventricosa
The species is characterized by its domed valves, and by the strong, sharp, commarginal growth ribs. – Above and below: beached, El Trabucador, Deltebre, Catalunya, NE. Spain. 28mm.
Some radial microsculpture appears between the concentric lamellae.
Chipiona beach, Cádiz, SW. Andalucia, S. Spain. 36,5mm.
The name “matadoa” refers to the species recorded by M. Adanson in his book Histoire naturelle du Sénégal, Paris 1757: « What makes it distinctive from all the others Tellins is about fourty to fourty-five transverse corrugations that are spread all over its surface, parallel to its width » (Adanson part II, p.240). Above, the species pictured plate 18 (5). The author notices also the colour: « white, and sometimes yellow, inside as well as outside, especially near the summit. »

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