... the tales of two sisters

Dana lives in Seattle, and Tracie lives in Germany. We are businesswomen, writers and humorists. We write about life, dating, and today's modern women.

Find the Right Person- Lessons from Shari & Rory Leid

Every time I’m in the presence of Shari Leid, I learn.  I’ve learned about what it means to be a friend in her book 50/50 Friendship Flow.  I’ve learned how to turn tragedy into triumph in Make Your Mess Your Message. I’ve learned how to throw epic parties be it for a holiday cookie exchange, called Go Elf Yourself, or an intimate celebration for a girlfriend’s birthday.  Last night was no exception as all of Seattle who attended her fabulous celebration of 25 years of marriage learned what it takes to make a union sustainable.

Shari and Rory- what a team. As a self-described Asian woman from the inner city and a white guy from Eastern Washington, they got it right and most couples could only aspire to be like them. So, as always, I learn from Shari and I took notes from her last night on their recipe for 9,131.06 days (25 years) of finding marital bliss.

  1.  Find the RIGHT person and focus on what annoys you most. If you can live with those nuances- that’s a good start.
  2. Throw away the ideas of a loving marriage- cuddling in bed each night- that’s a fantasy.
  3. Stop buying self-help books- who cares about your love language.  Learn how to fight.

And if all else fails- Take it the dance floor!

Today, I challenge EVERYONE of you in attendance last night and those who are reading this post to buy Shari’s books.  Give them as a gift and treat yourself.  Trust me, you will be inspired and learn!  I can’t wait for her upcoming edition- Ask Yourself This!

Thank you and Rory for yet again, another fabulous time and most of all for the lessons!

Books by Shari Leid | Lessons From & For My Girlfriends (