Marine Biodiversity » Marine Sponges » Calcarea » Calcarea Classification » Subclass Calcaronea

Marine SpongesCalcarea Introduction
Calcarea ClassificationSubclass Calcinea

Subclass Calcaronea

Order Leucosoleniida
Order Lithonida

Guide to the orders, families and genera of subclass Calcaronea

taken from 'Sponguide' by J.N.A. Hooper (Queensland Museum, Brisbane)

Definition: Calcarea with incubated amphiblastula larvae flagellated only on the anterior half; nuclei of choanocytes apical, and the flagellum arises directly from the nucleus; spicules are triradiate and sagittal (two rays are paired and the third ray is longer than the others), as well as free monaxonic (monactinal or diactinal) forms; aquiferous system ranges from asconoid to leuconoid grades of construction.

With 2 orders and 10 families (see menu left).

PDF Version of the Calcarea Chapter