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Liechtenstein’s goby (Corcyrogobius liechtensteini)

Fish of the Corcyrogobius genus of the Gobiinae (true gobies) subfamily of the Gobiidae family of the Gobiiformes order of the Percomorpha clade of the Acanthopterygii superorder.

Corcyrogobius liechtensteini

(Liechtenstein’s goby. Photo by © Šárka Mašová. biolib.cz)

Liechtensteins goby (Corcyrogobius liechtensteini) was first described in 1891. by the Croatian ichthyologist Juraj Kolombatović (1843-1908).

It inhabits the depth of 5-25 meters, hiding in crevices of rocks and empty shells. The maximum recorded length is 2.5 cm.

It is a permanent inhabitant of the Adriatic Sea. A little-studied species, including due to its small size.

Names of Liechtensteins goby (Corcyrogobius liechtensteini) in other languages as follows:

Ghiozzo di Liechtenstein (Italian), Liechtenstein-Grundel (German), Бычок Лихтенштейна (Bychok Liechtenshtejna) (Russian), Gujoč korčulanski, Glavoč korčulanski (Serbian, Croatian), Gobie-corail nain (French).