
Digital painting of a Saipan Reed-Warbler. This brownish bird has a long curved beak, short wings, and long tail. Its head and throat feathers look loose and ruffled while this bird sings at full volume. It clings sideways to a stalk of bright green reed grass.ALT

Ga'ga karisu, Saipan Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus hiwae) is a critically endangered species found in the Northern Mariana Islands. Though few remain due to habitat loss, they fill the air with their rich melodic songs in those places where they can still hold on.

Their closest relative, the Nightingale Reed-Warbler of Guam, is extinct due to habitat loss and the invasive brown tree snake.

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    Ga'ga karisu, Saipan Reed-Warbler (Acrocephalus hiwae) is a critically endangered species found in the Northern Mariana...