Maximum size : 5 cm

Elegant Pencilfish - Nannostomus limatus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Elegant Pencilfish (Nannostomus limatus) is a highly sought-after species in the aquarium trade, but its availability is notably scarce, often encountered in mixed shipments alongside other species.

Being a shoaling species, the Elegant Pencilfish thrives best when kept in groups of at least 8 to 10 individuals. In a community tank setup, they can be housed alongside peaceful species of similar size, such as Tetras, Dwarf Cichlids, Dwarf Barbs, and smaller Catfish.

To create an ideal environment for the Elegant Pencilfish, a densely planted aquarium or a nano tank is recommended. A dark sand or fine gravel substrate enhances their natural habitat, while including floating plants helps diffuse overhead lighting. Providing driftwood or bogwood offers the fish suitable hiding places. Additionally, dried Indian Almond Leaves contribute to a favourable aquatic setup.

The Elegant Pencilfish prefers clean and matured water with a slow-moving flow and a tannin-stained appearance. Regular water changes are necessary to maintain water quality. It is advisable to avoid powerheads and filtration systems that generate strong water currents, as these fish thrive in more gentle water flow conditions.

The Elegant Pencilfish is a small and elongated species characterized by a prominent dark horizontal stripe that extends from the mouth, through the eye, and to the base of the caudal fin. Above this stripe, there is a lighter yellow/gold coloured line. The upper portion of their body showcases larger dark brown outlined scales adorned with dark-lined spots. Males typically exhibit lighter reddish undersides, with a splash of red near the base of the caudal and anal fins. Notably, they lack an adipose fin.

Elegant Pencilfish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Differentiating between male and female Elegant Pencilfish is a relatively straightforward endeavour. Males typically possess distinct characteristics that set them apart from females. They are often smaller in size and exhibit a more slender physique. 

Moreover, their colouration tends to be more vibrant and intense in comparison to the females. Notably, some males display a modified anal fin, where the third to sixth rays are noticeably widened, providing an additional visual feature that aids in distinguishing the sexes of the Elegant Pencilfish.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Nannostomus limatus
Year Described 1978
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Characiformes
Family Lebiasinidae
Genus Nannostomus
Max Size 5 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle - Top
Difficulty Intermediate
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 8+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 4.5 - 7.0
GH 2 - 10
Ideal Temperature
72 - 82
22 - 28

Natural Habitat

The Elegant Pencilfish are exclusively found within the Amazon River Basin, specifically near Santarém in Brazil, South America. This species thrives in diverse aquatic environments, including small rivers, tranquil tributaries, leisurely flowing streams, and swampy regions. 

Their preferred habitats boast an abundance of aquatic vegetation, submerged bogwood, and leaf litter. These features contribute to the overall ecological richness and provide essential resources for the well-being of the Elegant Pencilfish.


Regrettably, there is a lack of documented information on the successful breeding of the Elegant Pencilfish, resulting in limited knowledge regarding their specific breeding habits. However, their reproductive behaviour likely follows patterns similar to other species within the Nannostomus genus.

A dedicated breeding tank is necessary to facilitate successful breeding, incorporating key elements such as subdued lighting, gentle air-driven filtration, an abundance of fine-leaved plants, and water with a low pH level. The substrate within the tank can consist of marbles, small rocks, or pebbles. Alternatively, a mesh can be employed at the tank's base, allowing the eggs to fall through while preventing adult access.

During the spawning process, the male and female Elegant Pencilfish swim closely together. The male initiates fertilization by gently nudging the female's abdomen. Subsequently, the female deposits several eggs, which either adhere to the plants or settle on the substrate. This process is repeated until the female has laid up to approximately 100 eggs.

Once the eggs have been laid, it is imperative to remove the parents from the breeding tank, as they have a tendency to consume the eggs. The eggs typically hatch within 36 to 72 hours, and the resulting fry becomes free-swimming approximately 3 to 4 days later, marking an important milestone in their early development.

Diet & Feeding

In their native environment, the Elegant Pencilfish primarily engage in carnivorous feeding behaviour, consuming a diet consisting of invertebrates and zooplankton. However, when maintained in an aquarium, they demonstrate adaptability to an omnivorous diet, readily accepting small dried food options. 

While they display a preference for live food sources, including mosquito larvae, Daphnia, Artemia, and various worms, Elegant Pencilfish also readily consume commercially available dried foods. This versatility in dietary preferences allows for convenient and varied feeding options in a captive environment.

Frequently asked questions

The Elegant Pencilfish is a freshwater species found in the Amazon River Basin. They typically prefer slow-moving water with plenty of vegetation.

In the wild, they likely eat small invertebrates and insects. In an aquarium, they can eat a diet of small, live, frozen, or flake foods.

The Elegant Pencilfish is a small species, typically reaching around 1.5 to 2 inches in length.

They usually prefer slightly acidic, soft water with a temperature between 72-82°F (22-28°C).

Yes, they are generally peaceful and can be a good addition to a community tank with other small, peaceful fish. However, they are schooling fish and do best in groups.

In many pencilfish species, males are usually more colorful and have more elaborate fin shapes than females.

Like many aquarium fish, they can be prone to diseases such as Ich if not properly cared for. Good water quality and a healthy diet are key to prevention.

Life span can vary depending on the conditions they are kept in, but on average, pencilfish species can live for several years in well-maintained aquariums.

Breeding habits can vary among pencilfish species, but generally, they scatter their eggs among plants. Some species are known to be breedable in home aquariums.

A properly maintained tank, balanced diet, and peaceful tank mates are key. Being a schooling fish, they should be kept in groups.

Other Pencilfish

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