Maximum size : 5 cm

Horsemans Corydoras - Corydoras Eques : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Eques Corydoras (Corydoras Eques) is a small, peaceful freshwater Catfish that has become quite popular in the aquarium hobby and is a personal favourite in our fish room. These Corys are easy to care for and are extremely hardy, but we have noticed they can be somewhat shy. Nevertheless, these Corys are incredibly eye-catching and are a wonderful addition to any community aquarium.

Eques Corys are shoaling species in nature, so it is best to maintain them in a group of at least six individuals; we keep a group of 10, and they appear to be much more confident, and their behaviours and personalities are fascinating to watch. Ideal tankmates for Eques Corys could include smaller species such as Rasboras, small Barbs, Pencilfish, Dwarf Cichlids, Rainbowfish and Tetras. It is also possible to keep them with other Corydoras species; we have ours alongside Yellow-fin Corys and Bandit Corys. However, it would be better if you didn't keep them with larger, more boisterous or aggressive species, as there is a risk of them being intimidated and outcompeted.

An aquarium setup designed to mimic their natural habitat would be ideal; this can include a substrate of sand or small-sized smooth gravel, plenty of driftwood, low-light ground plants like Anubias or Java Ferns, as well as taller plants with larger leaves like Amazon Sword. The plants will help dim the aquarium from the bright light and complete the look. The Eques Corydoras will also do well in a well-planted aquarium; however, you must keep the water clean as these Corys are sensitive to deteriorating water conditions and high nitrates. The colour of the Eques Corydoras can vary depending on what substrate you keep them on.

Typically these Corys have a large dark greenish-brown saddle-shaped body marking located on either side of their body and a whitish belly; however, on some, this saddle shape marking may appear a lighter bluish-turquoise colour. In addition, these Corys also have an orange vertical band just behind their eye across their gill plate, as well as some orange colouration on top of their back and at the edges of their caudal fin. They may also occasionally display a dark band extending down from the top of their heads to the base of their caudal fins.

Horsemans Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Eques Corydoras can present a moderate challenge, particularly during their juvenile stage. However, a few distinguishing characteristics become more apparent, particularly when females are gravid. Typically, females exhibit a slightly larger, rounder, and broader body shape compared to males, indicating their state of being full of eggs.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras Eques
Year Described1876
Other NamesCW043, Horseman's Cory
Max Size5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 2 - 15
TDS 36 - 268
Ideal Temperature
72 - 79
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Eques Corydoras species traces its origin to the Amazon River, specifically dwelling in the vicinity of the Rio Solimões' primary channel, situated between the cities of Manaus and Tefé in western Brazil. These remarkable fish primarily inhabit small streams and tributaries characterized by the presence of soft sand substrates, submerged wood, dense vegetation, and expanses of open swimming areas. Such environmental elements form the backdrop of their natural habitat, contributing to the thriving existence of Eques Corydoras in this region.


To achieve successful breeding of Eques Corydoras, it is advisable to allocate a separate tank, ideally with a ratio of two or more males per female. Once the females exhibit noticeable fullness due to egg development, a significant water change of 50 to 70 per cent should be conducted using cooler water while simultaneously enhancing oxygenation and flow within the tank. This process should be repeated daily until the fish initiate spawning. Eques Corydoras typically deposit their eggs on the tank glass, amidst fine-leaved plants, or within submerged spawning mops. Once the spawning process concludes, removing either the adult fish or the eggs is crucial, depending on the desired approach.

If the decision is made to relocate the eggs, the designated raising tank should possess identical water parameters as the spawning tank and be adequately oxygenated. Some breeders opt to introduce a few drops of methylene blue or employ alder cones within the raising tank to inhibit fungal development on the eggs. The incubation period typically spans between 2 to 4 days. Once the fry has consumed their yolk sacs, they can be provided with small live foods, such as microworms and baby brine shrimp.

It is essential to note that raising Corydoras fry can present challenges, necessitating stringent maintenance of water quality. Substrates consisting of a thin layer of sand, as opposed to a bare tank, have demonstrated potential benefits in reducing susceptibility to diseases. Offering finely powdered first foods to the fry is recommended initially, followed by a gradual transition to microworms and newly hatched brine shrimp after a few days. Diligence in maintaining excellent water conditions and providing appropriate nourishment is paramount for the successful rearing of Corydoras fry.

Diet & Feeding

Maintaining the optimal dietary regimen for Eques Corydoras in an aquarium setting is relatively straightforward. To ensure their overall well-being, providing these fish with a diverse and balanced diet is essential. Eques Corydoras readily accept high-quality dried foods such as sinking catfish pellets, wafers, and granules. Additionally, incorporating a selection of frozen, live, and freeze-dried offerings, such as white mosquito larvae, bloodworms, white worms, brine shrimp, Daphnia, and tubifex, further enriches their nutritional intake.

Offering occasional green vegetable treats, including zucchini, blanched peas, and broccoli, can be greatly appreciated by these Corydoras, enhancing their dietary variety and providing additional nutrients. By maintaining a well-rounded and varied diet, aquarists can ensure the optimal condition and health of their Eques Corydoras.


Eques Corydoras - Corydoras eques - Rare Freshwater Aquarium Cory Catfish Thumbnail

Other Corydoras

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