Maximum size : 3 cm

Jellybean Tetra - Ladigesia roloffi : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Jelly Bean Tetra (Ladigesia roloffi), with its peaceful, lively, and gregarious nature, is a captivating species that thrives in the company of other Jelly Bean Tetras. To ensure the well-being of these small, vibrant fish, it is recommended to keep them in groups of at least ten individuals and preferably more, as they are a very tight-knitted schooling species. 

Due to their shy disposition and small stature, creating a species-only or nano aquarium with other similar-sized peaceful tankmates would provide an ideal environment for the Jelly Bean Tetras to truly thrive. While they may prefer the company of their own kind, Jelly Bean Tetras can coexist with other small fish species as long as they do not out-compete them for food. 

Creating a well-structured setup is key, incorporating elements such as substrate and carefully arranged driftwood branches, rocks and plants. Adding dried leaves enhances the natural aesthetic and provides additional cover for the fish. As the process of leaf decomposition ensues, it fosters the proliferation of advantageous microbial colonies, thereby furnishing a supplementary food source to nurture the young Tetras.. The tannins and chemical compounds released by the decaying leaves, characteristic of blackwater environments, also benefit the Jelly Bean Tetras.

Creating a subdued lighting environment is preferable for these Tetras to mimic their natural habitat. There are several plant species that can thrive under these conditions which can be included in the setup, such as Microsorum, Taxiphyllum, or Cryptocoryne, adding both visual appeal and enhancing the overall well-being of the fish. The presence of floating vegetation is also appreciated by the Jelly Bean Tetras, providing them with additional shelter and creating a more immersive and engaging aquatic environment.

The Jelly Bean Tetra boasts a sleek torpedo-shaped body, typically adorned in vibrant green hues. However, the fins of this species truly captivate, showcasing striking deep orange central highlights along their length, accented with black tips and a delicate white trailing edge. This exquisite finnage adds a touch of elegance and charm to these already captivating fish.

Jellybean Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

The process of differentiating between male and female Jelly Bean Tetras can pose certain challenges. However, during the breeding season, the males manifest specific traits that facilitate their distinction. Notably, the male Jelly Bean Tetras exhibit heightened activity and vitality compared to the females. Moreover, a distinguishing feature lies in the extension of the male's anal fin into a pronounced lobe, characterized by bright red colouration, in contrast to the female's anal fin, which remains straight and only has subtle red colouring. Additionally, there is a notable difference in body shape, with the females presenting a rounder and fuller physique in comparison to their male counterparts. These observable physical variations provide valuable cues for determining the gender of the Jelly Bean Tetras.





Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Ladigesia roloffi
Year Described 1968
Other Names Sierra Leone Dwarf Characin
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Characiformes
Family Alestidae
Genus Ladigesia
Origins Liberia , Ghana , Sierra Leone
Max Size 3 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Middle - Top
Difficulty Beginner
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 10+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 5.5 - 7.5
GH 1 - 12
Ideal Temperature
72 - 79
22 - 26

Natural Habitat

The Jelly Bean Tetra can be traced to its origins in Africa, specifically Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, the Gbangbaia Basin and Sewa River in Sierra Leone. These vibrant fish inhabit small streams and rivers characterized by the presence of decomposing wood and vegetation. In this environment, the water takes on a beautiful brown hue due to the release of tannins, creating a beautiful natural setting. 

The climate of Sierra Leone is characterized by its wet and hot conditions, with distinct wet seasons occurring between April and May, as well as October and November. Consequently, the rivers in this region generally flow consistently throughout the year. Sadly, Sierra Leone has witnessed significant deforestation, with over 97 per cent of its original forest disappearing. However, a few protected forest sanctuaries remain, including Kasewe in the Moyamba district. Kasewe is characterized by its volcanic rock mountains and lush semi-deciduous evergreen forests, providing a sanctuary for these remarkable Tetras to thrive.


Breeding the Jelly Bean Tetra is a relatively straightforward process, albeit requiring a separate breeding tank to maximize fry production. To create an optimal environment for spawning, it is recommended to set up a dimly lit tank with abundant fine-leaved plants such as java moss or the use of spawning mops. These provide the ideal surfaces for the fish to deposit their adhesive eggs. Alternatively, covering the tank's base with mesh is another effective method, allowing the eggs to fall through while preventing the parents from reaching them.

When spawning Jelly Bean Tetras, a group of approximately six individuals, comprising both males and females, can be utilized. Ensuring proper conditioning with a diverse diet of live and frozen foods will significantly enhance their reproductive success. Alternatively, a pair spawning approach can be employed, where females and males are conditioned separately in dedicated tanks and fed a high-quality diet. The main breeding tank should have a slightly elevated temperature and somewhat acidic water conditions to simulate optimal spawning conditions. Once the females show gravid signs and the males exhibit their most vibrant colours, carefully select the healthiest female and the male with the best colouration and introduce them to the breeding tank. Spawning typically occurs the following day.

In both breeding scenarios, removing the adult fish promptly after spawning is crucial, as they will consume the eggs if given the opportunity. The eggs will hatch within approximately 24 to 36 hours, and after about a week, the fry will become free-swimming. During the initial weeks, feeding the fry with infusoria-type foods is recommended until they grow large enough to accept baby brine shrimp and microworms. As the fry are particularly sensitive to fluctuating water chemistry, it is advisable to avoid performing water changes during their early development stages to maintain stable conditions conducive to their growth and well-being.

Diet & Feeding

In the home aquarium, the Jelly Bean Tetra readily accepts a variety of high-quality food options. While they will consume high-quality dried foods such as flakes and pellets of an appropriate size, providing them with a well-rounded diet is essential. 

Therefore, enhance their nutrition by offering occasional meals of small live or frozen foods, including baby brine shrimp, Moina, daphnia, and micro worms. We have found our Jellybean Tetras are very fond of decapsulated brine shrimp. Alternatively, you can opt for freeze-dried options like tubifex or bloodworms. This balanced feeding regimen ensures that the Jelly Bean Tetra receives the necessary nutrients for optimal health and vitality.


Jellybean Tetra - Ladigesia roloffi - Rare Nano Aquarium Fish Species Spotlight Thumbnail

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