Maximum size : 7 cm

One-Lined Pencilfish - Nannostomus Unifasciatus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The One-Lined Pencilfish (Nannostomus Unifasciatus) is a captivating and esteemed species in the realm of freshwater aquariums. Native to the Amazon Basin in South America, this species is distinguished by its slender body, striking colouration, and captivating behaviour. With a long history of popularity among aquarium enthusiasts, the One-Lined Pencilfish has been admired and kept in captivity for decades. Renowned for its peaceful nature and intriguing social dynamics, this species is well-suited for community tanks when provided with suitable tankmates and a well-maintained aquatic environment that replicates its natural habitat.

One-Lined Pencilfish are renowned for their peaceful and social nature, often forming groups consisting of 10 or more individuals of the same species. While they can exist in solitary conditions, solitary individuals tend to display more timid behaviour, avoiding interactions with other species and seeking refuge among aquatic vegetation. Notably, males within the species exhibit a higher degree of aggression and territoriality, occasionally nipping the tails of other fish. Despite this behaviour, One-Lined Pencilfish is considered hardy and is compatible with a community tank comprising other non-aggressive fish.

Creating an ideal habitat for One-Lined Pencilfish entails the provision of a mature and spacious tank with subdued lighting. They thrive in a planted tank featuring floating plants that serve to diffuse the light, balanced with dense vegetation and open swimming spaces. These Pencilfish have a preference for a dark substrate over a lighter one. Maintaining water chemistry within slightly acidic conditions is essential for their well-being. Decorative elements such as driftwood branches and dried leaf litter contribute to a natural aesthetic within the tank.

In terms of their physical characteristics, One-Lined Pencilfish boasts a slender body ranging from pale to olive brown, complemented by a whitish belly and a small terminal mouth, complete with an adipose fin. A defining feature is a single black longitudinal stripe that extends the length of their body and onto the caudal fin, bordered above by a delicate metallic gold band. The caudal fin exhibits varying colouration depending on the geographic population, often featuring red or orange pigmentation in the lower quadrant, ventral to the black stripe.

In some particularly vibrant populations, the red pigment extends above the black stripe. Notably, the Guyanese population and a specific Bolivian form showcase a well-defined caudal ocellus above the black stripe. The ventral and anal fins are typically tipped with an enamel blue-white hue. An intriguing aspect of One-Lined Pencilfish is their distinct daytime and nighttime colour patterns; during darkness, the horizontal lines transform into a series of blotches extending from their back to their belly.

One-Lined Pencilfish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female One-Lined Pencilfish is a relatively straightforward process. In most populations, males exhibit a distinctive modification in the shape of their anal fin, which tends to be slightly elongated. This feature is less pronounced in the Guyanese population. Additionally, males consistently display more prominent and brighter white tips on their ventral and anal fins. Furthermore, males generally have a slimmer profile compared to females.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameNannostomus Unifasciatus
Year Described1876
OriginsBrazil , Guinea , Colombia , Venezuela , Bolivia , Guyana
Max Size7 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 4.0 - 7.0
GH 2 - 12
Ideal Temperature
73 - 82
23 - 28

Natural Habitat

The One-Lined Pencilfish boasts a wide-ranging distribution encompassing the expansive Amazon Basin. Its habitat spans across multiple regions, including Brazil, the Guiana Shield, Colombia, Venezuela, northern Bolivia and the Demerara River of Guyana. These Pencilfish are predominantly found in shallow, slow-moving tributaries, small rivers, and swampy regions within this extensive range. 

Their habitats typically feature dense aquatic vegetation, submerged branches, and an accumulation of leaf litter. Notably, they often congregate beneath floating islands. The aquatic environments they inhabit consistently exhibit water parameters characterized by a range from slightly acidic to strongly acidic conditions, accompanied by negligible water hardness levels.


To date, the One-Lined Pencilfish is the sole species of Nannostomus in the aquarium trade, and there is no documented record of successful spawning in captivity. Remarkably, despite its widespread presence and long-standing popularity as an aquarium species dating back to the 1920s, the successful reproduction of this species in a captive environment remains unrecorded.

Diet & Feeding

One-Lined Pencilfish are primarily micro-predators, preying on minuscule invertebrates and zooplankton found in their aquatic surroundings. In an aquarium setting, they showcase versatility in their diet, readily accepting high-quality dried foods appropriate for their size. However, to ensure their complete and balanced nutrition, it is essential to augment their diet with regular provisions of small live and frozen foods. Offerings such as bloodworms, white mosquito larvae, Daphnia, and baby brine shrimp serve as excellent supplementary options, contributing to their overall health and vitality. Adhering to these feeding practices is crucial in meeting the nutritional requirements of these Pencilfish and ensuring their well-being in captivity.

Other Pencilfish

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