Maximum size : 6 cm

Peppered Corydoras - Corydoras Paleatus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Peppered Corydoras (Corydoras Paleatus) is an esteemed freshwater fish belonging to the Callichthyidae family, native to the cool, clear streams and rivers of South America, particularly in Argentina and Uruguay. Renowned for their peaceful disposition and gregarious nature, Peppered Corydoras are a popular choice among aquarists for community tanks. They play a crucial role in the aquarium ecosystem as bottom-dwellers, actively scavenging for food and helping to keep the substrate clean. Adaptability to a range of water conditions, coupled with their sociable behavior and modest size, makes Corydoras Paleatus an ideal species for both novice and experienced fishkeepers looking to enhance the biodiversity and dynamic of their aquatic setups.

Given their gregarious nature and instinctive shoaling behavior, maintaining a group of at least five individuals is advisable for Peppered Corydoras to thrive. Suitable tank mates in an aquarium environment include Tetras, Rasboras, and small, peaceful Cichlids, ensuring a harmonious community. It is crucial, however, to avoid housing them with larger or aggressive species that could potentially harass or intimidate them, preserving the well-being and social balance of the tank.

Peppered Corydoras exhibit a predilection for sandy substrate, as it accommodates their natural inclination to forage for sustenance. Inadequate maintenance of gravel substrates can potentially render them susceptible to barbel infections. The provision of adequate cover, in the guise of rocks or bogwood, is conducive to the well-being of Corydoras and contributes to an enriched environment.

The body of the Peppered Corydoras is short and stocky, covered with two rows of bony plates, as are their heads. Their olive-tan colour is adorned with dark green to black markings, making each individual slightly unique. The fins of these Catfish are pale, with their dorsal fin boasting a dark patch on the first few rays, the caudal fin has several fine spots, and the adipose fin sports a spot on the upper tip. Overall, they are essentially bronze with dark patches and specks, a unique and striking look.

The Peppered Corydoras' two pairs of barbels on the upper jaw aid them in scouring through the substrate for food, and they have articulated eyes, allowing them to tilt their eyes up and down without having to move their head. While there is an albino variety of this species, they tend to be sensitive to water conditions, lighting, and medicines, making them challenging fish to keep. 

Peppered Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism in the Peppered Corydoras is readily observable, and distinguishing between males and females is relatively straightforward. Females are generally larger and rounder in the belly region than males. This difference is more pronounced when viewed from above, as females are much broader than males. Male Corydoras have larger dorsal and pectoral fins, and their anal fin is more pointed than females. Additionally, males often exhibit more vivid and intense colours than their female counterparts.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras Paleatus
Year Described1842
Other NamesPeppered Cory, Peppered Catfish, Salt and Pepper Cory, Mottled Corydoras
OriginsArgentina , Brazil , Paraguay , Suriname , Uruguay
Max Size6 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 8+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 15
Ideal Temperature
64 - 79
17 - 26

Natural Habitat

Peppered Corydoras originate from the pristine waters of Argentina, the Parana River, and the Rio de la Plata, extending through Brazil, Paraguay, Suriname, and Uruguay in South America. In their natural settings, they favor the tranquil, nearly stagnant waters of marshes, ponds, streams, lakes, and rivers, characterized by clarity and shallowness. These astute fish prefer environments with soft, sandy substrates, offering them abundant foraging opportunities.

 Paraná River - Paraguay
Paraguay Flag
 Rio de la Plata - Uruguay
Uruguay Flag


Breeding the Peppered Corydoras in a home aquarium can be a relatively straightforward process. When the female is ready to spawn, she will increase in size and activity, and her belly and pectoral fin's first ray will take on a reddish hue. To induce spawning, a cold water change can be carried out, simulating the rainy season. Next, the best-sized and coloured pair should be placed in a separate spawning tank that provides ample surfaces for the female to deposit her eggs. This will reduce the risk of the eggs being consumed by the parents or other fish.

During the mating ritual, the male will display a shivering motion and swim over the female's back, touching her with his barbels before taking up the T position. This position triggers the release of milt and a small number of eggs, which the female will grip between her pelvic fins. After fertilization, the female will deposit the sticky eggs on a previously chosen and cleaned surface, such as a plant, glass, or filter tube.

 The process will continue until the female has run out of eggs, which can be up to 300. Once the spawning is complete, the parents should be removed from the tank to prevent egg consumption. The eggs will hatch around four to six days later, and the fry should be fed with infusoria or similar until they are big enough to accept more extensive food.

Diet & Feeding

For optimal health, Peppered Corydoras should be fed a diet comprising high-quality flake foods or sinking pellets, enhanced with the occasional inclusion of algae wafers and an assortment of frozen, freeze-dried, or live foods, such as artemia, bloodworms, or daphnia. While these fish are generally omnivorous and not overly selective about their food, care must be taken to provide feed that readily sinks or is sufficiently small, catering to their bottom-feeding nature. Ensuring the diet is both balanced and diverse is crucial for maintaining the well-being of these fish, fostering contentment, and promoting successful breeding in a controlled environment.

Other Corydoras

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