SWEETFLAG, VARIEGATED DWARF (Acorus gramineus variegatus) Hardy Marginal Plant (Qty of 6)


Availability: In stock

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Acorus gramineus ‘Variegatus’

Common Name:

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Dwarf Variegated Sweetflag

Acorus gramineus ‘Variegatus’


Green and White


5 – 10

Japan and East Asia

2″ or 4″ Pots

Acorus gramineus ‘Variegatus’


The aquatic plant variegated dwarf sweetflag ( Acorus gramineus variegatus ) is a great plant for water gardens and ponds. Its green and white leaves are very attractive and the Dwarf Variegated Sweetflag lives up to its name by getting no more than 12″

Weight 3 lbs
Identifier Exists