
These Youkai fall under the PokaPoka class and are usually very friendly and good at healing.


This Yokai is quite polite for being an elderly man. He often appears lost in thought and falls asleep quickly, but he will quickly wake up. When he is near, you will feel the insatiable urge to want to eat.

Honobono. This Youkai is a very kind soul and whenever he is nearm you will be in a good mood no matter what is going on.


If there was one word to describe this mischievous Youkai, it would be “Greedy”. This Youkai is quite gluttonous and upon possession of a host will cause them to snitch food. Often this will be done until the whole meal is devoured.


This Youkai will make you feel like you are on top of the world because it will bestow on you incredible lucky….even luck big enough to win a LOTTERY!

Ol’ Saint Trick

This Yo-kai looks like Santa Claus, but he is not…In fact, he acts like a game show host, suddenly asking questions and giving you three choices to choose from. He usually asks about the contents of his bags, if you get one of his questions wrong, he’ll suck you right into one of his bags.!


Haretoko is the sunshine counterpart of the weather duo, he has a crush on Ameonna, the rain counterpart. Wherever he goes, Sunshine will follpow so you can expect it to be sunny wherever he is, unless Ameonna is around.


This yokai is a mesh of cat and bird. His best friends are Inunyan and Sarunyan