Cladophoropsis sundanensis Reinbold 1905

Division     Chlorophyta
Class     Ulvaphyceae
Order     Cladophorales
Family    Boodleaceae

    Thalli dark green, spongy cushions or mats, firmly attached to the substratum by branched, multicellular rhizoids arising from the proximal pole of the basal cells and other cells in the basal region. Thalli 2-10 cm across, 1-1.5 cm thick, composed of strongly entangled branch systems. Growth by apical and intercalary, followed by cell elongation and limited cell enlargement. Apical cells frequently dividing more or less simultaneously into 3-7 cells followed by the development of laterals; cross wall formation at the base of the laterals usually delayed; side branches mostly unilaterally arranged in the terminal branch systems, more irregularly lower down.

    Structural reinforcement of the thallus by inters weaving of the filament and by anastomosis of the cells by hapteroid rhizoids and tenacular cells. Apical cells cylindrical, with rounded tip, slightly curved or sinuous, 45-120 μm wide, 3-5 mm long. Cells of terminal branch systems straight or slightly curved, 80-140 μm in diameter (l/w ratio 3-40).


Thalli lithophytic, exposed during the intertidal.

Distribution in India

Dwarka (Gujarat), Mumbai (Maharashtra), Andaman Islands.