
California Ladybug (Coccinella californica)

Would you like to enrich the diversity and liveliness of your garden? Consider incorporating California Ladybugs for a wonderful solution!

Not only are they easy to care for, but they also offer huge benefits to your garden ecosystem; from controlling harmful pests to adding a splash of colorful, nature-friendly pollination.

Read this guide to find out more about the best practices and potential challenges for taking care of Coccinella californica.

Common Name California Ladybug
Family Name Coccinellidae
Scientific Name Coccinella californica
Use Pest Control, Pets
Temperament Non-aggressive
Lifespan 2 months
Diet Omnivorous
Adult Size 5-8 mm
Breeding Type Egg Layer
Care Level Easy
Minimum Tank Size 5 Gallon
pH 6.0-7.5
Hardness Moderate
Temperature 77-86°F

What Are California Ladybugs?

California Ladybugs, scientifically known as Coccinella californica, are small, oval-shaped beetles belonging to the Coccinellidae family.

They have a varying number of spots on their shells, along with two orange or cream-colored triangles at the end of their heads.

The common name ‘California Ladybug’ comes from the fact that these beetles are commonly found in the western part of North America from Canada down to Mexico.

These types of ladybugs feed on aphids, pollen, and small insects, making them an invaluable part of the local environment.

What Do California Ladybugs Look Like?

California Ladybugs are known mainly for their bright, vibrant colors.

These small beetles are usually reddish-orange with black spots, but can sometimes display yellow or white colorations.

Adult Coccinella californica has an oval-shaped body that’s approximately 5 to 8 mm in length and has two pairs of wings and six long legs.

Their antennae are short and black, and they have large, protruding eyes.

Their mouthparts are made of a pair of thread-like, segmented mandibles, which they use to feed.

The adult beetles also have two short rods located on either side of their heads, which are used to control their emissions of a foul-smelling fluid as a defense mechanism against predators.

Benefits Of Using California Ladybugs

Coccinella californica is beneficial for any garden or vivarium environment.

Not only do they provide a source of living, colorful pollinators, but they also naturally feed on pests and small insects which can wreak havoc in your mini-ecosystems.

Not only do these ladybugs help to keep pest populations in check, but they also help to enrich your garden’s biodiversity and add a unique and friendly touch to your space.

In addition, California Ladybugs provide a natural form of pest control without the need for potentially harmful chemicals, so your water, plants, and soil stay cleaner and healthier.

California Ladybug: The Coccinella californica Care Guide!

California Ladybug Facts

California Ladybugs are small, vibrant red beetles with black spots that have a lifespan of a few months.

These natural aphid predators are relatively docile and easy to care for and feed mainly on other insects, pollen, and plant nectar.

Coccinella californica also has the beneficial function of pollinating nearby flowering plants, making them the perfect companion to help revitalize your garden’s ecosystem.


Coccinella californica is native to North America, mostly found in the western United States and parts of Canada.

Its natural habitat is hot, arid climates between sea level and 5000ft.

It has an affinity for warm, sunny, rocky areas of open woodland. 

In the summer, it can be found in abundance, while in the winter, it takes shelter in sheltered crevices.


In their natural habitat, Coccinella californica feeds on a variety of small insects, including aphids, mites, small caterpillars, and other soft-bodied pests.

Additionally, they will also feed on nectar, pollen, and honeydew.

As omnivores, they also have a taste for plant materials like plant saps and soft fruits.

It is a good habit to maintain an adequate food source for your ladybugs so they remain healthy.

California Ladybugs can find their own food, but providing a supplementary food source is a good idea. 


Coccinella californica are gentle creatures and rarely bite, so they make great pet companions for children who are interested in studying the natural world.

However, remember that wild animals, even when domesticated, should not be handled without the proper precautions.

Ladybugs secrete a yellowish liquid when disturbed which has a unique odor, so if handled, gloves should be used.

If you keep California Ladybugs with other animals, it is good practice to make sure they have the appropriate protection from any larger predators.

Ladybugs are safe around cats and dogs, but other animals such as lizards and reptiles should be kept away, as they could see the lady beetles as prey. 

Ladybirds can also become overwhelmed when too many creatures are in the same container or enclosure, so make sure to consider the size of the enclosure and the number of other animals or pets in the same space.

Your ladybugs should always be in a space where they feel safe and able to move around freely.


The life cycle of the California Ladybug includes 4 stages which span between 3 weeks to more than 3 months.

In the first stage, the eggs are laid by the female Ladybug and then they hatch to become larvae.

During this stage, the larvae grow rapidly and molt several times.

After the larvae have grown enough, they will enter a pupal stage in which it forms a cocoon.

After a few days, the pupa emerges as an adult Coccinella californica and becomes ready to mate.


California Ladybugs mate similarly to most other species of insects; during the mating session, the male and female stay connected by their genitalia.

They typically mate in the late summer and stay connected for several hours until the process is complete.

After mating, the female then goes on to lay her eggs in clusters, typically on the underside of leaves or nearby plants. 

The female can lay anywhere from 10 to twenty eggs each day until she’s laid them all.

The eggs are yellow-orange in color and about the size of a grain of rice.

Once the eggs are laid, they take about 3 to 4 days to hatch.

Where To Find California Ladybugs

Finding Coccinella californica in the wild is fairly easy, especially if you live in California’s temperate areas.

The most common way of spotting them is during the spring and summer months since that’s when they are most active.

It’s also possible to find them in fields, gardens, meadows, and other outdoor spaces. 

You may also buy California Ladybugs from a local nursery, pet store, or online store.

It’s a good habit to ensure that the seller can guarantee the species as some stores may mislabel them as a different type of ladybug.

Additionally, it’s always best to buy the healthiest and most active specimens you can find, as these will be easier to take care of.

California Ladybug Care

Caring for Coccinella californica is easy and the rewards are numerous!

Provide them with an optimal temperature, humidity, and a food source.

Avoid pesticides that can harm them, and provide shelter to keep them healthy.

Monitor for any potential diseases or parasites and take steps to manage them.

With the right knowledge and care, California Ladybugs can be a valuable part of your garden!

Tank Requirements

Ladybugs are generally small and easy to look after and don’t need a large enclosure to thrive.

A simple vivarium, such as a terrarium or paludarium, that is ventilated and at least 4-5 inches tall would be ideal.

Other than that, they don’t require much in terms of specific environmental conditions.

Water should be somewhat acidic with a pH of 6-7.5 and the water should be at a comfortable temperature of around 25-30°C (77-86°F) – California Ladybugs prefer it a bit cooler.

As for light, small amounts hide during the day and should be provided dim lighting at night for 8–10 hours if possible.

For terrarium substrate, a mix of coco fiber soil, peat moss, and shredded forest bark is ideal. Alternatively, a mix of soil and sand can also be used.

What Do California Ladybugs Eat?

Feeding your California Ladybugs is a vital part of keeping them healthy.

The key things to remember are to provide a variety of small, tasty insect foods for your ladybugs.

Here’s a list of food sources to try: 

  1. Aphids: These tiny pests are a favorite for ladybugs, so you can let a few aphids live in your garden. 
  2. Pollen: Coccinella californica also needs a healthy dose of pollen to get its proteins and carbohydrates. 
  3. Small insects: Ladybugs can also eat small insects such as gnats and mites. These should be offered in moderation.
  4. Fruits: You can also provide juicy fruits like sliced apples and oranges. 

To ensure your ladybugs get the nourishment they need, remember to offer fresh food sources every couple of days and provide a clean source of water from time to time.

With this information in hand, you’ll be able to keep your California Ladybugs in top shape!

If you’re looking for a more detailed approach to feeding these critters, be sure to check out my ultimate DIY ladybug food guide. I give a more in-depth explanation of the best foods and my favorite recipe.

What Do Ladybugs Eat? | Best Ladybug Food + DIY Recipes!

Best Tankmates For California Ladybugs

California Ladybugs are a great addition to any garden, as they control nuisance insects such as aphids and help with pollination.

However, they also need to be kept with the right tank mates for optimal health!

Here we’ll discuss the best tankmates for Coccinella californica

Native bees are great outdoor tankmates for ladybugs.

Not only do bees share the same benefits, such as pollination and pest control, but they can also teach the ladybugs how to better hunt for food, such as small insects.

Other beneficial insects, such as praying mantises, are also great tankmates for California Ladybugs; these insects can help with pest control, and the ladybugs can help protect the other bugs from predators. 

In addition to bugs, isopods, springtails, and millipedes are also great tankmates for California Ladybugs.

These beneficial critters do a great job at keeping the environment clean as well as aerating soils with their burrowing habits.

Keeping the right tankmates is essential for a successful ladybird colony.

With the right combination of beneficial insects and small arthropods, you can create the perfect indoor/outdoor garden ecosystem!


Taking care of Coccinella californica in your garden requires a little bit of commitment, but the rewards are worth it!

With the right conditions and proper feeding, you can create a healthy and thriving home for your lovely ladybugs.

You’ll enjoy the many benefits they have to offer, from controlling harmful pests to adding a splash of colorful pollination, for years to come.

So go ahead and start planning your California Ladybug oasis today!

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