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The tibia (shinbone) is the second largest bone in the human body after the femur. It is a long bone and its major features include the tibial plateau, medial and lateral condyles (proximal), tibial tuberosity, and the medial malleolus (distal). The tibia is securely connected to the fibula by the interosseous membrane of the leg, which limits relative movement between the two bones.

Biomechanically, the tibia and fibula support the weight of the body and comprise the two rigid members of the shank, the second major component in the kinematic chain of the leg.

The tibia is part of two major body joints, the knee and the ankle. The tibial plateau lies at the proximal end and provides a shallow, slightly cupped surface on which the femoral condyles ride. These two bones, the menisci, and the ligaments that attach the bones together are the major components of the knee joint.
