表達某事的「原因」英文句型:「the reason why」 - 空中美語部落格

表達某事的「原因」英文句型:「the reason why」



表達「因果」的句型:the reason why
今天要教大家如何用英文陳述「原因💬」,句型為 the reason why S+V ,其中的why關係副詞,引導形容詞子句修飾先行詞 the reason。此用法中的 why 常可省略,或以 that 替代。來看例句

 the reason (why/that) + S + V 當受詞或補語:

I don't know the reason (why/that) Tyler is always naughty.
→ the reason (why/that) Tyler is always naughty 作為動詞 know 的受詞。
The teacher wants to know the reason why/that Isabel didn't do her homework.
The teacher wants to know the reason why/that Phoebe cheated on the test. 
Jeff's gentle manner is one of the reasons why Mary fell in love with him.
* The cheap yet delicious food in Taiwan is one of the reasons why Carey likes coming here for vacation.

 the reason (why/that) + S + V 當主詞時,常搭配 that 名詞子句作為主詞補語,句型如下:

The reason (why/that) + S1 + V1 ... beV (that) S2 + V2…

The reason why/that Elaine quit school was that she needed to take care of her sick mom.
The reason (why/that) Johnny is so excited is (that) tomorrow is his birthday.
The reason (why/that) Susan cried was (that) her toy broke.
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