Question Word Mat
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Let Musky teach you Question Words

Question words, often called wh- words, are function words that can be used to ask open questions. There are seven question words in English: who, what, where, when, why, which, and how. Question words are a basic part of English and are important to know.

Also, it is easy to see what a question word is because it is always at the beginning of a sentence. It is important that children ask and answer Wh-questions, as they lay the groundwork for children to participate in conversations, demonstrate knowledge, and collect information about themselves and their world. Children learn Wh-questions in a sequence starting with more concrete questions about their immediate environment – eg.“What”is the earliest question, followed by “Who” and “Where.” Finally, an understanding of “When” and “Why” develop, with “Why” being the most difficult to master.

Who – asks about a person (eg. ‘who won the race on Saturday?)

What – asks about something (eg. ‘what is that?)

When – asks about a time (eg. ‘when do you finish work?’)

Where – asks about a place (eg. ‘where are we going?’)

How – asks about the manner, condition or quality (eg. ‘how does this work?’)

Why – asks about a reason (eg. ‘why is the sky blue?’)

Had a great time playing with your cute little learning buddy, Musky? Check if you can answer these questions.

Q1. How many question words are there?

Q2. Which words ask about a person?

Q3. What is the word on B3 block?

Q4. _____ is the name of your mother?

Q5. _____ is your birthday?

Skills Acquired

Question word Mat

Teachers Note

Question words aim to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to use and understand question words in a variety of contexts. These outcomes will help students to become more effective communicators, both in their academic work and in their everyday lives. Additionally, a strong understanding of question words will enable students to ask and answer questions in a more meaningful and thoughtful way.

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