Collection trip and conference: Brazil, August 2008



Participants: Lynn Bohs, Stephen Stern, & Fátima Agra

Lynn Bohs and Stephen Stern took a 3-week trip to northeastern Brazil to attend the 59th Congresso Nacional de Botânica and collect Solanum. Upon arrival we met with our collaborator and guide for the trip Dr. Fátima Agra (JPB) of the Univerdidade Federal de Paraíba who lead the Solanaceae session of the meeting (Fig1). The collecting trip was focused in the state of Paraíba with a brief foray into Pernambuco and Ceará states in order to collect Solanum absconditum Agra (Fig 2 & 3), a species that is currently in press for publication. Other interesting collections include Solanum polytrichum Moric. (Fig 4) and Solanum paraibanum Agra (Fig 5) from the Atlantic Coastal forest and Solanum jabrense Agra & M. Nee (Fig 6) from the “caatinga” forests.



Solanaceae Round Table
Members of the Solanaceae round table discussion group.


Solanum absconditum
Solanum absconditum Agra, a species currently in press for publication,
with Lynn in the background.


Solanum absconditum
Stephen collecting Solanum absconditum Agra as night falls.


Solanum polytrichum
The fruit of Solanum polytrichum Moric., a member of the
Brazilian endemic Polytrichum group.


Solanum pariabanum
The lovely but spiny Solanum paraibanum Agra.


Solanum jabrense
Solanum jabrense Agra & M. Nee, a species narrowly endemic to the
“mata serrana” forests of Pico de Jabre in Northeastern Brazil.


Lynn, Fátima & Solanum paludosum
Lynn and Fátima with Solanum paludosum Moric. in the
Atalantic Coastal Forest near João Pessoa.


One of the faunal elements of the “caatinga” forest.


Tough life!
Relaxing on the beach near João Pessoa.


Second career?
Lynn and Stephen immersing themselves in the culture of northeastern
Brazil as the bandits Lampião and Maria Bonita.