COMMISSIONS CLOSED | Obsessed with Zelda, TDP, ML, and ACNH | My Art | My Fics | Kofi Shop

Name: Chimpukampu
Bday: 11th August
Zodiac: Leo
Residence: Somewhere over the rainbow
Pronouns: She/her
Hobbies: Drawing
Bias: Rayllum, Zelink, Love Square


Finally, a second pair 😌

Stealing @itcantbe idea again lmao

  1. snidgetwidgeon reblogged this from chimpukampu and added:
    👀 yes, please give him more undies
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  3. manxden said: Running all over hyrule in search of THAT ONE THING that changes EVERYTHING xD
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  15. chimpukampu posted this
    Finally, a second pair 😌...Stealing @itcantbe idea again lmao