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Lepidiolamprologus Attenuatus, is an aggressive freshwater fish. They are endemic to lake Tangayika, Africa. In the wide, they are living in the medium flowing water and eat small fish and invertebrate.  Males could be very aggressive to its own species. It is better to keep one male with multiple females in a tank. Buy Live Fish  and Aquarium Plants with Coburg Aquarium in Australia

Features of Lepidiolamprologus Attenuatus:

  • Bottom - Middle fish in a fish tank
  • Once hatched the eggs will be protected by both parents
  • This fish loves to dig in the sand


Lepidiolamprologus Attenuatus: Care, Diet and Tank Mates

The Best Aquarium Size for Lepidiolamprologus Attenuatus:

Because of its size and its aggressive nature, a large tank is required if you are keeping a male and several females.  A 150L tank should be a minimum size.

After an Aquarium for your fish? Browse Aquarium Tank Selection here.

Lepidiolamprologus Attenuatus Tank Mate Compatibility:

The males are very territorial towards males of the same species, It is better to have 3 – 4 females to every male. 

Lepidiolamprologus Attenuatus Food :

Food high in protein is recommended. Other food could be:

You can search more Lepidiolamprologus Attenuatus food in our High Quality Fish Foods collections.

Lepidiolamprologus Attenuatus Tank Setup:

Aquarium Filtration

Investing in a high-quality pump can ensure that the water in your take is constantly moving.  Powerful filtration systems are a must too. Good brands to take:

Power head Brands:

Aquarium Heater

The aquarium should be heated, depending on your area’s climate. Install an aquarium heater if necessary.

Aquatic Plants

Aquarium plants are a good option to provide them places to hide out. You can put in some hardy aquarium plants. Buy live Aquarium Plants Online Click Here

Aquarium Decorations

The aquarium should decorate with many hiding places, and shelters.  Ideal Ornaments for your tank:

Aquarium Substrate

Cover the bottom of the tank with a thick layer of fine sand and gravel.

A variety of Substrates are available at Coburg Aquarium.

Additional Information

Fish Keeping Snapshot :

Preferred Water Parameters :

Aquarium Set-up Service:

Our design team enables us to create the tank you desire, install your tank where you wish to and provide a maintenance service to ensure everything runs smoothly. We can create almost any aquarium from the small home aquarium to large commercial aquariums for offices, hotels or restaurants. Coburg Aquarium, Australia's leading aquarium shop.

Please contact us if you need any custom tank services.