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The 196,833 Snowflake Multiverse and its "Debunk"

The 196,833 Snowflake Multiverse and its "Debunk"

Does anyone remember this scan?

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This scan entailed that the Wildstorm Multiverse was 196,833 Higher Dimensional in Space. And the Wildstorm Multiverse is typically considered just a part of Bleed Space.

The typical "debunk" against this, is this "debunk" scan.

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Opponents to Scan 1, LOVE using the second to scan to prove that the Dimensional Spaces were just normal universes.

I am however, here to prove why the first scan, did indeed refer to Higher Dimensions. And why the writer of the second scan, misunderstood the first, and we can discard the latter's statements.


The 196,833 Dimensional Multiverse CREATES new Universes inside itself with every rotation. This is pretty much consistent with a 10-Dimensional Multiverse.

If the 196,833 number only referred to "Universes" instead of Higher Dimensions, the person speaking, would not be giving a specific number to a construct constantly making new Universes.

It would have been named the "200,000+" Universes. Or Whatnot.


It was stated to be "Infinite" not Multi-Universal.


The person speaking in the second scan, is not the same as the first. So we can discard her statements as a meaningless misunderstanding on her part.

It doesn't make sense, for a 196,833 Universes to be called "196,833" Universes when said construct is making New Universes. It doesn't make sense.

Not to mention, it makes new universes the same amount for every atom there is on a planet, WHICH IS WAY MORE than 196,833 Universes.


We can then conclude that first scan did indeed refer to Higher Dimensional space.