It’s easy to grow your own flowers from seed. Here’s beautiful flowers, growing information & seed collections for gifts.


Welcome to Country Garden Seeds! Flower Seeds for your garden, for cut flowers and for wildlife. Do you dream of a beautiful garden full of scented flowers and buzzing with wildlife? Just sow a few packets of seeds for gorgeous blooms to fill your borders quickly, for cut flowers and food for bees and butterflies. Here are some beautiful and easy plants for you to grow.
There are lots of easy flower seeds to sow and grow in May. You can help your garden wildlife by growing beautiful open-centred blooms. It’s Spring and at last things are warming up outdoors. Spring sown flowers often bloom in just 8-10 weeks so it’s the perfect time to choose what you’d love to see in your garden this year. Checkout Seeds to Sow in May for some inspiration and ideas. Wishing you a very Happy and Flower Filled Spring. Thanks for visiting and Happy Gardening. Gillian 🙂

Salvia viridis Pink

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Product Details
Salvia viridis 'Pink'

Pink Salvia viridis is an exceptionally long flowering annual with pink and green veined bracts produced on sturdy plants. Commonly known as Clary Sage it’s a brilliant plant for beginners. It is easy to grow, produces masses of flowers and is good for cutting and drying. Clary is brilliant for edging paths and growing in containers too.

Sow in spring when the soil has warmed up for summer flowers then sow again in autumn. An autumn sowing will produce early flowers the following year. If you live in a cold area then the protection of a cloche, a cold frame or unheated greenhouse is best until your young plants are well established. I love Salvia viridis in my garden, so do the bees... I hope you do too!

Genus Salvia viridis
Variety Pink
Plant Type Hardy Annual, Cut Flower, Good for Edges and Containers
Height & Spread 45cm tall x 30cm wide (18 inches tall x 12 inches)
Sow Seeds In mild areas sow outdoors in August/September then again in spring (mid February to April). In cold areas start off indoors.
Thin/Plant Out Allow 30cm (12 inches) between plants.
Conditions Required Prefers moist but well drained soil in full sun.
Water thoroughly in dry spells.
Flower Production Beautiful white and green veined bracts produced from May to October.
Picking Pick Salvia early in the morning, strip half the stem and stand them
in deep water for a few hours before arranging. Lasts 10 days in a vase.
Planting Combinations Salvia viridis is one of the best annual flowers/fillers that you can grow.
You will be amazed at how prolific these flowers are! They look brilliant with other low growing edging and container plants such as Ivory Eschscholzia, White Candytuft and Erigeron 'Profusion'.

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