
Published:  12:44 AM, 29 January 2018

Robert Lee Frost

Robert Lee Frost

Robert Lee Frost  was an American poet. His work was initially published in England before it was published in America. Known for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech, Frost frequently wrote about settings from rural life in New England in the early twentieth century, using them to examine complex social and philosophical themes.

Frost was honored frequently during his lifetime, receiving four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry. He became one of America's rare "public literary figures, almost an artistic institution."  He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 1960 for his poetic works.

On July 22, 1961, Frost was named poet laureate of Vermont. Frost died in Boston two years later, on January 29, 1963, of complications from prostate surgery. He was buried at the Old Bennington Cemetery in Bennington, Vermont.

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