
What it does

How we built it

Challenges we ran into

Accomplishments that we're proud of

What we learned

What's next for Literatus

Our group was inspired to create Literatus after reading Night, by Elie Wiesel. After contemplating together, we came to the understand that Elie struggled heavily with adapting to the language and the lifestyle of the United States. This also led us to realize that we all have a similar personal connection to this, in our own lives. For Nick, his grandparents were refugees from India and had a hard time adapting to the language barrier that English and the United States placed upon them. For Rayan, his grandparents were forced to migrate from Pakistan, in search of safety in the US. Similar to Nick, his grandparents had trouble adjusting to a completely different life in the United States. Lastly, Ryan's father had to move from Greece to the United States. Upon arriving in the United States, his father immediately was tasked with learning a language that was completely different from the one that he had grown up with.

Our app allows refugees to connect with instructors who know both their native language, as well as the language of the place, in which they are seeking safety. This not only allows them to learn a language, it also gives them the ability to find a community of people like them.

We built Literatus by using four applications: Google Sheets, Google AppScripts, Google AppSheets, and ChatGPT. From here we transferred a Google Sheet with our data into Google AppScripts, from which we imported into AppSheets. From AppSheets, we made all of our edits and even involved our APIs and Google AI bots to perform actions simply. As well as building an app, we also built a website attached to it, with an application by the name of GoDaddy. The app allows users to donate and find additional information about our cause. We even created our own apparel and a shop, so that we can donate even more proceeds to refugees in need.

While building Literatus, we faced many challenges such as maneuvering through technical issues, understanding a new platform, and dealing with time constraints. This sometimes caused stress that hindered our abilities to communicate with each other in a calm and collected manner. We also had some issues with collaboration, due to the extreme stress we were undergoing. At the end of the time limit, we were able to return to a calm state and be happy about the work we had accomplished.

Our team is extremely proud of the wonderful app we created. We are also proud of the skills that we have obtained from undergoing an experience like this. Lastly, we are ecstatic that we were able to participate in an event like this and work in the group that we did.

We learned how to communicate effectively, work through hardship within the platforms that we used, and have fun while doing it. We all hope that we can all do this again, together.

In the future, we hope to expand Literatus to a worldwide app and find more instructors to help us accomplish our mission. We also hope to help refugees through all aspects of their lives;not only through language and literacy.

Built With

  • appscripts
  • appsheets
  • bard
  • bubbleio
  • chatgpt
  • google
  • sheets
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