How to Easily Swallow a Pill

Recently a mom asked me whether her son should be taking his multivitamin since he was refusing them.  I do recommend adults and kids take quality vitamins. He admitted the reason he didn’t take them was because he had trouble swallowing the pills.

This problem is more common than you think.  Isn’t it curious how we can just swallow big chunks of food without any issues, but it when it comes to a pill, it can be so difficult?

It’s easy once you know-
If you need to swallow one pill, you place the pill on the floor of your mouth– under your tongue. Then take a sip of water and just swallow.

That’s it.  Did you try it? Wasn’t it easy without any thought put into it? Your tongue has been trained to do this countless times when you swallow food.  When you chew food, it usually lands behind your teeth on the floor of your mouth.  Your tongue, which is a well trained muscle, will already know what to do to move that food along.

Most people when they think about swallowing a pill will place it in the back of their tongue and then drink a giant gulp of water.  What happens is that pill can float around in that large gulp of water.  The tongue cannot figure out the location of the pill and it struggles to get it into place so it can be swallowed.  This is why swallowing a pill like this can seem so difficult.

How to swallow a pill

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