Katherine "Kat" Marie Hitchcock's Memorial Website | Ever Loved


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In lieu of flowers

Please consider a gift to Northern Virginia Community College Educational Foundation.
Raised by 117 people


Update from Nov. 19, 2022

Please view a memorial video of Kat here: https://vimeo.com/771670149


On November 12, 2022, Katherine Marie (Kat) Hitchcock of Loudoun County, Virginia, died from glioblastoma, a rare and aggressive form of primary brain cancer. She was 56 years young. Kat was a loving wife, nurturing mother, dedicated military spouse, accomplished university professor, and the consummate college administrator. Her special blend of wit, wisdom, wonder, and work ethic was unique; she will be sorely missed by all who knew her.

Kat was born in Beaufort, South …

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Memories & condolences


What causes did Kat care about most?
Education St Jude's Children's Hospital Rescue Pet Connect Goose Creek Associatio…
Education St Jude's Children's Hospital Rescue Pet Connect Goose Creek Association and Virg…
Education St Jude's Children's Hospital Rescue Pet Connect Goose Creek Association and Virginia Land Trust
What were Kat's favorite vacation spots?
Grand Teton National Park Greece Spain
Grand Teton National Park Greece Spain
Grand Teton National Park Greece Spain
What were Kat's favorite sports teams?
'Bama CU Navy Buccaneers Orioles (the last three by osmosis)
'Bama CU Navy Buccaneers Orioles (the last three by osmosis)
'Bama CU Navy Buccaneers Orioles (the last three by osmosis)
What were Kat's favorite ways to exercise?
Jogging Hiking Yoga
Jogging Hiking Yoga
Jogging Hiking Yoga

Other key details

Method of disposition



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Katherine "Kat" Hitchcock