Weeds of Wednesday: Florida Snow

Largeflower Mexican clover, largeflower pusley, Florida snow, fairy bells, and fairy cups are all common names given to the plant Richardia grandiflora, an invasive plant that has spread widely and swiftly in south and central Florida. For a weed that…

Saltwort Eater

Karen Schuster (Class of 2009) shared this photograph of a great southern white butterfly (Ascia monuste) that she took at Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge (PINWR).  We also saw this butterfly on our field trip to the Winter Beach Salt…

Weeds of Wednesday: Largeflower Mexican clover

\ It's getting to be everywhere and seems to be flowering more frequently: Largeflower Mexican clover (Richardia grandiflora). Yes, it's tiny flowers are pretty and attract pollinators, including bees and butterflies like the great southern white butterfly (Ascia monuste) shown…