Ipomopsis aggregata (scarlet gilia)


Biennial to perennial forb that forms a basal rosette of leaves. Individual plants remain in rosette form for one to several years and typically die after producing a flowering stem. Plants typically range from 18 to 24 inches in height but can reach up to 3 feet.


The basal leaves are three-quarter inch to 3 inches long and pinnatifid (fern-like) with narrow segments. Leaves reduce in size further up the flowering stem.


Typically scarlet but can be white, salmon or pink. Flowers are long and tubular with five spreading petals.


August to October.


Found on hillsides and slopes at elevations between 3,600 to 10,800 feet.


Red flowers are rarely attractive to bees and the color attracts alternative pollinator insects like butterflies and hummingbirds.


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