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To touch or to lie next to. The term is used in property to determine the obligations of a homeowner or the municipality.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


Next to, touching, contiguous. Typically arises in the context of whether property owners have a duty to clean snow, ice, and debris from

the sidewalks abutting their property.
The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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To be sure, the location of the alleged defect and whether it abuts a particular property is significant concerning that particular property owner's duty to maintain the sidewalk in a reasonably safe condition.
A different part of the lower lip meets the same part of the upper lip as in the Flush Bite position, but, by hook or crook, the two lips do fully abut, allowing a middle- or low-register tone to be produced, including a fortissimo from low c to high g" (two-and-a-half octaves higher).
As shown in Table 8, the data do not support the idea that price effects are greater or more significant when a home abuts a higher-voltage HVTL.
No fewer than three elementary schools abut the fields on the western end of town, as does the Willows mobile home estate, which has the town's single highest incidence of health problems.
From the Zoning Resolution: "Where such street walls [that are less than 45 feet wide] abut an existing building with street walls that exceed [the width of the street], such new street walls may reach the height of the lowest of such abutting building walls ...
AS MUCH as I enjoyed (as I am sure many other readers did) checking out whether or not my house was plunging in price in your special on house prices on Monday, I am not convinced that all this talk abut the state of the housing market is doing us any good.
However, as a series, these structures appeared framed by the park and the buildings that abut it, miming and mirroring its lateral spread and intermittent peaks in their outlines.
By the time this double, triple,It starts off gently, in standard kidnap drama territory, as the wife of aBut the twists start early and keep coming.
The area is bounded east along 49th West Avenue to include some east abutting properties; and on the west along 65th West Avenue including properties west of 65th West Avenue that abut Chandler Park and Sand Springs city limits.
The City Council last night gave unanimous preliminary approval to an amendment to the city's snow-removal ordinance that will exempt those sidewalks that abut the rear-lot line of any property along a state highway.
All corners should abut precisely, and the two outer corners should form perfect right angles to facilitate flap reapproximation (figure 3).