Unpossess problem in Blueprint function library

Hi folks,
so I am having an issue where in a multiplayer game,
only client #1 is being used for the Possess even in this screenshot, this is in a blueprint function library

so if say: client two possesses a vehicle, then get outs of the vehicle, on possess client “1” actually calls the possess event,

hmm not sure what i am missing thank for any tips!

Never ever use the “Get Player Controller (0)” node in server-side code. This is a static function that has no context. The server has a handle to all player controllers in the game, and it has no way to know “which” player controller you want to use.

You need to pass to that function the player controller who will possess the vehicle.
If necessary, seeing the function signature, and where it is called from, would help in providing further help :slight_smile: