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Czech Easter: “Pomlázka”


Easter in the Czech Republic – is the time of old traditions. Some of the Czech traditions are quite specific. Partly they originate in the ancient Spring festivities, partly in the Christian remembrance of the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. “Pomlazka” “- Easter Whip” is one of those traditions, nobody, other than Czech and Slovak people can understand.

Easter traditions Czech Republic

Let me start, by saying: Easter Monday celebration is an old custom, and nobody is being offended. I don’t know how to explain and don’t make it sound like a harsh custom, living in the USA and knowing, that some people here would be offended by it maybe?

What is Pomlázka and why?

Let me explain what Pomlázka – Easter Whip exactly is, and why do we have this tradition. Traditionally for the Czech Republic, we celebrate “Pomlazka” on Easter Monday. Easter Monday is a National holiday and people do not go to work on that day. It’s a very old tradition dating back to 1300. On Easter Monday, young men walk with long, flexible easter whips made out of willow twigs, usually decorated with colorful ribbons, and spank the girls with them on their behinds. It’s alive all over. the Czech Republic in Prague too, although much more prevalent in the villages. Check the whole story of Easter – “Masopus” here.

Pomlazka – flexible Easter Whip

About a week before Easter Monday, boys will go to nature to collect flexible young willow branches. Soak them in a tub full of water to make them even more flexible for braiding the whip. Each boy/man is very proud to be able to make his own whip and show off braiding skills. There are many different styles of how to braid the handle of the whip, but the rest of the whip is always the same. Made out of 8 branches and decorated with a beautiful ribbon. You can store your whip for next year, but it is custom to make fresh one every year.

Finished Easter whip

Couple of different styles of handles

Why do we celebrate with an Easter whip?

Think of it as trick or treating, but instead of walking in the evening this happens in the early morning and should be over by noon. The girls get in power if boys show up at or after 12 pm. The boys are rewarded, but not with a chocolate treat…

How does it work?

A group of boys or men walk from door to door, the daughter walks out, and the boys sing a tune and whip her on her behind. That takes about 20 seconds usually. Having received the spanking, the girl says “thank you” and gives the boys decorated eggs and they get offered a healthy dose of alcohol shots for those old enough to drink, usually some kind of homemade “moonshine’ like booze and ribbon for their whip.

You might be thinking what? and why?

Well, the pomlázka is really a celebration of fertility. All wife’s tail saying is: spanking prevents the women from “drying up” during the rest of the year. If you ask what happens when the boys come late and the clock show noon? The girls have buckets ready with super cold water (mind you, it is still winter in Czech in March/April most of the time) and they pour water on all guys as they arrive at the house.

So yes, I know what you’re thinking. This is so wrong on every level. Young boys and tipsy guys whipping girls. But most Czechs simply see it as a tradition without thinking too much about it and have fun during the whole day.

Read more about Easter in the Czech Republic here or Kristyna Koutna made really nice video about Easter. You can visit Kristyna’s blog here.

Czech Easter: \

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I am not a professional baker nor a cook, I am not a professional photographer nor a web designer, but I do love to learn new things and decided to share my passion for baking and cooking, while I am trying to figure out this web stuff... I also get many questions about Czech Republic. Hopefully, I can capture many traditions and the beauty which Czech Republic can offer in my posts

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