Todd Wells

Todd Wells


American Mountain biker

3x Olympian

10th at London Summer Olympic Games 2012

Nine National Champion titles across 4 disciplines


What is your favourite meal?

I love Mexican. Burritos are my favorite.

Do you have more a sweet tooth or a savoury tooth?

Sweet. I am a dentists best friend.

Do you follow any restricted diet (gluten free, vegetarian, vegan, paleo…)?

No, I try to eat everything in moderation and cut back before important races.

Favourite fruit?

Either watermelon or apples

Favourite vegetable?

beets, brusselsprouts and spinach

Favourite carbohydrate (rice, bread, pasta…)?

Yes, I love all those. If I could eat whatever I wanted an not get fat it would be bread and pasta but I try to eat as little of that as pasta. I always have rice as pre-race meal.

What is your favourite source of protein?

I eat hard boiled eggs everyday. I try not to eat the yokes too often b/c I have high cholesterol.

Top 3 foods you must have during a training camp?

Nutella, eggs and biotta beet juice.

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