Frank is a notorious psychopath, but he still makes rational judgments based on the potential he can see in other people by deciding how much his time is worth in recruiting and grooming them for his own purposes. Though he knows at once that the twins he finds drenched in blood running around screaming about a ‘massacre’ are liars who killed their entire family, Frank sees their potential as two unscrupulous men willing to do whatever he tells them to do, so he brings them into the fold. When young Roy steals his horse and makes off with it, Frank sees another young man he could groom into a criminal and tells him just what he wants to hear – that he’s going to be the boy’s pa now. When he finds a house full of fatally sick people, Frank gives them a generous last meal, cleans them up—then shoots them and gives them a decent burial, because he sees they are a lost cause. He decides to let Bill live, despite being a lawman who is chasing after him, because Bill has ‘lost his shadow’ and therefore is a coward with no potential to cause them any trouble. His followers say of him that he ‘knows the truth’ and can see through people, and it’s true. He intuits that Bill is a lawman within seconds of meeting him, even without proof. And he can be reckless and fearless, out of his belief that ‘I seen my death. This isn’t it.’ He believes in that vision of his future death so strongly, he sits calmly amid a hailstorm of bullets without ever being stuck, then challenges Roy to a shoot-out in which he loses (and he is baffled that his vision of his death turned out to be wrong). Frank is always looking for opportunities and people to recruit into his gang, but then has no real emotional investment in them. He can be reckless, venturing into a sick house and tending to their needs, under the assumption he won’t catch what ails them. And he has a strange sense of internal ethics—if he “got no quarrel with you,” he’ll leave you alive. It distresses him when they kill a Buffalo Soldier that the man had no weapon, which would have justified his death in Frank’s mind. He insists on giving innocent people a proper Christian burial after he has killed them, but leaves anyone who sides with his enemies out in the sun to rot.

Enneagram: 7w8

Frank is not what he appears to be, and he likes to think of himself as far more benevolent, good-hearted, and generous than he actually is. He brings people into his fold and tries to ‘take care of them’ in a very social 7 way, by providing for their needs, enriching their souls (in his mind, though others might disagree with his murderous methods), and through a guise of being ‘good’ to them. He refuses to accept the truth about himself, that he is a brutal, unscrupulous murderer with no right to kill innocent people as wantonly as he does—but in his mind, all of his bad deeds are justified, and he maintains a cheerful façade to cover up his many sins. But more often, his 8 wing comes into action. When others refuse to go along with him, Frank ruthlessly guns them down. He easily takes power in various situations and has no scruples about punishing people. He has a tendency to ‘take whatever he wants,’ and never forgives anyone who betrays him. He shifts in-between a desire to protect and care for weaker souls, and the realization that weak things cannot defend themselves and are ripe for exploitation.

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