Translation of "strawberry" into Western Frisian

ierdbei is the translation of "strawberry" into Western Frisian. Sample translated sentence: List of strawberry dishes ↔ Webstee De Fryske Mole

strawberry adjective noun grammar

The juicy, usually red, edible fruit of certain plants of the genus Fragaria. [..]

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Phrases similar to "strawberry" with translations into Western Frisian


Translations of "strawberry" into Western Frisian in sentences, translation memory

List of strawberry dishes
Webstee De Fryske Mole
I hate strawberries.
Ik haatsje ierdbeien.
If you want to, kind sir, for strawberry leaves make maidens fair.
Se moast doe op'e nij sels de kost fertsjinje foar har húshâlding.