Long life cycles in insects

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Author: A.Kh. Saulich
Date: Dec. 2010
From: Entomological Review(Vol. 90, Issue 9)
Publisher: Springer
Document Type: Article
Length: 16,401 words
Lexile Measure: 1360L

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Abstract :

Long life cycles covering more than one year are known for all orders of insects. There are different mechanisms of prolongation of the life cycle: (1) slow larval development; (2) prolongation of the adult stage with several reproduction periods; (3) prolongation of diapause; (4) combination of these mechanisms in one life cycle. Lasting suboptimal conditions (such as low temperature, low quality of food or instability of food resources, natural enemies, etc.) tend to prolong life cycles of all individuals in a population. In this case, the larvae feed and develop for longer than a year, and the active periods are interrupted by dormancy periods. The nature of this dormancy is unknown: in some cases it appears to be simple quiescence, in others it has been experimentally shown to be a true diapause. Induction and termination of these repeated dormancy states are controlled by different environmental cues, the day-length being the principal one as in the case of the annual diapause. The long life cycles resulting from prolonged adult lifespan were experimentally studied mainly in beetles and true bugs. The possibility of repeated diapause and several periods of reproductive activity is related to the fact that the adults remain sensitive to day length, which is the main environmental cue controlling their alternative physiological states (reproduction vs. diapause). Habitats with unpredictable environmental changes stimulate some individuals in a population to extend their life cycles by prolonged diapause. The properties of this diapause are poorly understood, but results of studies of a few species suggest that this physiological state differs from the true annual diapause in deeper suppression of metabolism. Induction and intensity of prolonged diapause in some species appear to be genetically controlled, so that the duration of prolonged diapause varies among individuals in a group, even that of sibles reared under identical conditions. Thus, long life cycles are realized due to the ability of insects to interrupt activity repeatedly and enter dormancy. This provides high resistance to various environmental factors. Regardless of the nature of this dormancy (quiescence, annual or prolonged diapause, or other forms) and the life cycle duration, the adults always appear synchronously after dormancy in the nature. The only feasible explanation of this is the presence of a special synchronizing mechanism, most likely both exo- and endogenous, since the adults appear not only synchronously but also in the period best suited for reproduction. As a whole, the long life cycles resulting from various structural modifications of the annual life cycle, are typical of the species living under stable suboptimal conditions when the pressure of individual environmental factors is close to the tolerance limits of the species, even though it represents its norm of existence. Such life cycles are also typical of the insects living in unstable environments with unpredictable variability of conditions, those developing in cones and galls, feeding on flowers, seeds, or fruits with limited periods of availability, those associated with the plant species with irregular patterns of blossoming and fruiting, and those consuming low-quality food or depending on unpredictable food sources (e.g., predators or parasites). Long cycles are more common in: (1) insect species at high latitudes and mountain landscapes where the vegetation season is short and unstable; (2) species living in deserts or arid areas where precipitation is unstable and often insufficient for survival of food plants; (3) inhabitants of cold and temporary water bodies that are not filled with water every year. At the same time, long life cycles sometimes occur in insects from other climatic zones as well. It is also important to note that while there is a large body of literature dealing with the long life cycles in insects, it mostly focuses on external aspects of the phenomenon. Experimental studies are needed to understand this phenomenon, first of all the nature of dormancy and mechanisms of synchronization of adult emergence. DOI: 10.1134/S0013873810090010
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