Pennsylvanian gastropods of the suborders Murchisoniina Cox et Knight, 1960 and Sinuspirina Mazaev subordo nov. from the central regions of the Russian Platform: morphology, taxonomy, and phylogeny

Citation metadata

Author: A.V. Mazaev
Date: Dec. 19, 2011
From: Paleontological Journal(Vol. 45, Issue 12)
Publisher: Springer
Document Type: Author abstract
Length: 15,807 words
Lexile Measure: 1360L

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Abstract :

The taxonomic composition and stratigraphic distribution of members of the suborders Murchisoniina and Sinuspirina subordo nov. in the deposits of the Moscovian, Kasimovian, and Gzhelian stages of the central regions of the Russian Platform is discussed. Based on detailed evaluation of the taxonomic value of the teleoconch and protoconch and also on evolutionary phylogenetic reconstructions, a fundamentally new scenario for the evolution of the murchisoniid gastropods and a new system for the suborder Murchisoniina Cox et Knight, 1960 are proposed. Several genera which were traditionally considered within the Murchisoniidae are assigned to the new family Sinuspiridae fam. nov. Five families are recognized in the suborder Murchisoniina: Ptychocaulidae fam. nov., Farewelliidae fam. nov., Plethospiridae Wenz, 1936, Murchisoniidae, and Orthonematidae Nutzel et Bandel, 2000. The generic composition of the Orthonematidae and Murchisoniidae is revised. Diagnoses are given of the two suborders, five families, ten genera, and also descriptions of 33 species. Of these, one suborder, three families, and three species are new. Five of the described species are recorded for the first time. Keywords: Carboniferous, gastropods, Russian Platform, morphology, phylogeny, taxonomy. DOI: 10.1134/S003103011112001X
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