Nonvolcanic Carbon Dioxide Emission at Continental Rifts: The Bublak Mofette Area, Western Eger Rift, Czech Republic

Citation metadata

From: Geofluids
Publisher: Hindawi Limited
Document Type: Article
Length: 9,691 words
Lexile Measure: 1390L

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Abstract :

This study presents the results of gas flux measurements of cold, mantle-derived C[O.sub.2] release at the Bublak mofette field (BMF), located inside of the N-S directed Pocatky Plesna fault zone (PPFZ). The PPFZ is presently seismically active, located in the eastern part of the Cheb Basin, western Eger Rift, Central Europe. The goal of the work was to identify the linkage between tectonics and gas flux. The investigated area has a size of 0,43 [km.sup.2] in which 1.115 locations have been measured. Besides classical soil C[O.sub.2] gas flux measurements using the closed chamber method (West Systems), drone-based orthophotos were used in combination with knowledge of plant zonation to find zones of high degassing in the agriculturally unused part of the BMF. The highest observed soil C[O.sub.2] gas flux is 177.926,17 g [m.sup.-2] [d.sup.-1], and the lowest is 0,28 g[m.sup.- 2][d.sup.-1]. Three statistical methods were used for the calculation of the gas flux: arithmetic mean, kriging, and trans-Gaussian kriging. The average C[O.sub.2] soil degassing of the BMF is 30 t [d.sup.-1] for an area of 0,43 [km.sup.2]. Since the C[O.sub.2] soil degassing of the Hartousov mofette field (HMF) amounts to 23 t [d.sup.-1] for an area of 0,35 [km.sup.2], the average dry degassing values of the BMF and HMF are in the same magnitude of order. The amount of C[O.sub.2] flux from wet mofettes is 3 t [d.sup.-1] for the BMF and 0,6 t [d.sup.-1] for the HMF. It was found that the degassing in the BMF and HMF is not in accordance with the pull-apart basin interpretation, based on the direction of degassing as well as topography and sediment fill of the suggested basins. En-echelon faults inside of the PPFZ act as fluid channels to depth (C[O.sub.2] conduits). These structures inside the PPFZ show beginning faulting and act as tectonic control of C[O.sub.2] degassing.
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Gale Document Number: GALE|A612113674