Craniometries and Ventricular Access: A Review of Kocher's, Kaufman's, Paine's, Menovksy's, Tubbs', Keen's, Frazier's, Dandy's, and Sanchez's Points.

Citation metadata

From: Operative NeuroSurgery(Vol. 18, Issue 5)
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Document Type: Article
Length: 4,073 words
Lexile Measure: 1630L

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Abstract :

Intraventricular access is frequently required during neurosurgery, and when neuronavigation is unavailable, the neurosurgeon must rely upon craniometrics to achieve successful ventricular cannulation. In this historical review, we summarize the most well- described ventricular access points: Kocher's, Kaufman's, Paine's, Menovksy's, Tubbs; Keen's, Frazier's, Dandy's, and Sanchez's. Additionally, we provide multiview, 3-dimensional illustrations that provide the reader with a novel understanding of the craniometrics associated with each point. KEY WORDS: Cerebrospinal fluid diversion, Dandy's point, External ventricular drain, Kocher's point, Paine's point, Ventricular access
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Gale Document Number: GALE|A689316248