Lesson 6: Time to eat! Where to go to?

When it’s time to eat, there are many options in Brasil. The “lanchonetes” or “cafés” have everything for a traveler. A restaurant is a good option as well, but if you are in a hurry, go ahead and try “comida rápida” made in a Brazilian coffee shop.

In a lanchonete you can find “sanduíches”, “sopas” and “ensaladas rápidas”. Nothing elaborated. However, if you want a sophisticated meal, you can go to a “restaurante” and you can choose from seafood restaurant to a vegan restaurant.

How to ask for a vegetarian restaurant? The fastest way will be: você conhece um bom restaurante vegetariano por aqui?

What about a seafood restaurant? If you want to show your manners, you will ask: Com licença, você conhece um bom restaurante de frutos do mar em torno dessa área?

I have a two-page handout waiting for you in the classroom with expressions and common phrases on this matter. So, come to class to learn useful expressions. You will know what to say when you are in a restaurante, lanchonete or café.

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I am a committed foreign language professor interested in teaching languages using technology as a main tool for second language (L2) acquisition. I believe that networking sites and other online applications are learning tools that along with traditional learning can become a potential way of learning a second language. In order to reach my goal, my objectives are to find the right learning strategies for each student and show learner the type of student each of them is; the type of learning methods each of them need, not only to succeed when learning a second language, but teach them how to learn by finding the right technological tools and a personal learning environment.

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