Halisarca caerulea Vacelet & Donadey, 1987 
Halisarcida, Halisarcidae

Common Name(s): Star encrusting sponge
Growth Form: Encrusting sheets a few millimeters thick.
Surface: Smooth, shiny, with distinct short canals converging in oscules.
Color: Sky blue to violet.
Consistency: Leathery, despite being very thin.
Exudate: None.
Oscules: Irregularly scattered throughout the surface, small.
Skeletal Components (Spicules, Fibers): None.
Skeletal Architecture: None.
Ecology: Prefers crevices, overhangs and undersides of corals in shallow and deep reefs and hard bottoms.
Distribution: South Florida, Bahamas, Caribbean.
Notes: Because this sponge lacks any skeletal components, either spicules or fibers, it may be confused with some encrusting sea squirts (Urochordata: Ascidiacea), which, however, may have microscopic calcareous spicules imbedded in their tunics.
References: Vacelet & Donadey (1987).