250 Criollo Horse Names (With Meanings)

Criollo horses are known for their strength, endurance, and resilience, making them a popular breed among equestrian enthusiasts in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Chile.

Naming a horse is an important part of the bonding process between the owner and the animal. It can also be a reflection of the horse’s personality, appearance, or even its lineage.

In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of 250 unique Criollo horse names along with their meanings, categorized into different themes to help you find the perfect name for your horse.

Criollo Horse Names

Popular Criollo Horse Names

  1. Alazan – a fiery chestnut horse
  2. Bayano – a strong and elegant bay horse
  3. Canela – a cinnamon-colored mare
  4. Diamante – a diamond in the rough, a stunning and valuable horse
  5. Escarlata – a bright red mare, full of passion and energy
  6. Fuego – a fiery and spirited stallion
  7. Gaucho – a classic name that evokes the spirit of the Argentine cowboy
  8. Halcón – a swift and graceful horse, named after the falcon
  9. Icaro – a high-flying and free-spirited horse
  10. Jazmín – a delicate and sweet-natured mare, named after the jasmine flower
  11. Kachina – a mystical and spiritual horse, named after a Hopi Indian spirit
  12. Llamarada – a blaze of light and energy, a fitting name for a powerful horse
  13. Mancha – a spotted horse, full of character and personality
  14. Nieve – a pure and snow-white mare
  15. Ombú – a tree native to Argentina, a strong and enduring name for a horse
  16. Pampa – the vast grassy plains of Argentina, a perfect name for a Criollo horse
  17. Quilombo – a rebel and non-conformist horse, named after the slave communities of Brazil
  18. Ráfaga – a sudden gust of wind, a fitting name for a fast and agile horse
  19. Sable – a dark and mysterious horse, named after the color black
  20. Tango – a classic and romantic name, evoking the music and dance of Argentina
  21. Utopía – a dreamy and idealistic horse, named after the concept of a perfect world
  22. Viento – a wild and untamed horse, named after the wind
  23. Xarope – a sweet and syrupy horse, named after a popular Brazilian drink
  24. Yacaré – a fierce and powerful horse, named after the caiman crocodile of South America
  25. Zorzal – a songbird native to Argentina, a fitting name for a horse with a beautiful voice
  26. Amaranto – a deep red or purple grain, a fitting name for a horse with a rich color
  27. Bambú – a strong and flexible horse, named after the bamboo plant
  28. Calandria – a lark native to South America, a fitting name for a horse with a beautiful voice
  29. Duna – a graceful and flowing horse, named after the sand dunes of the coast
  30. Escorpión – a fierce and dangerous horse, named after the scorpion
  31. Fénix – a mythical bird that rises from the ashes, a fitting name for a horse that overcomes adversity
  32. Gaviota – a graceful and elegant horse, named after the seagull
  33. Huracán – a powerful and unstoppable force, named after the hurricane
  34. Indio – a strong and proud horse, named after the indigenous people of South America
  35. Jacarandá – a beautiful and vibrant purple flower, a fitting name for a horse with a rich color
  36. Kili – a Swahili word meaning “mountain”, a fitting name for a horse with great strength and endurance
  37. Lince – a fierce and agile horse, named after the lynx
  38. Malbec – a rich and full-bodied wine, a fitting name for a horse with a strong personality
  39. Naranja – a bright and energetic horse, named after the color orange
  40. Orquídea – a delicate and beautiful horse, named after the orchid flower
  41. Picaflor – a fast and agile horse, named after the hummingbird
  42. Quelite – a nutritious and hardy plant, a fitting name for a strong and healthy horse
  43. Rayo – a lightning bolt, a fitting name for a fast and powerful horse
  44. Sombra – a shadowy and mysterious horse
  45. Talavera – a traditional pottery style, a fitting name for a horse with a unique and beautiful appearance
  46. Umbral – a threshold or gateway, a fitting name for a horse that takes you to new heights
  47. Vainilla – a sweet and gentle horse, named after the vanilla bean
  48. Waira – a spirit or ghost in indigenous South American mythology
  49. Xamango – a popular drink made from sugarcane in Uruguay, a fitting name for a horse with a sweet temperament
  50. Yerba – a type of herb used to make mate tea, a fitting name for a horse with a natural energy boost.

Criollo Race Horse Names

  1. Aguacero – a fast and powerful horse, named after the rainstorm
  2. Bellaco – a horse with a competitive edge, named after a term used in cockfighting
  3. Candombe – a horse with a rhythmic and energetic stride, named after an Afro-Uruguayan dance
  4. Descubridor – a horse with a keen sense of exploration and discovery
  5. Eclipse – a horse that shines bright and stands out from the rest
  6. Falucho – a horse with a patriotic spirit, named after a historic Argentine naval vessel
  7. Garañón – a stallion with a strong and dominant presence
  8. Halcón Negro – a fast and agile black stallion, named after the black falcon
  9. Islero – a fierce and determined horse, named after the bull that killed the famous bullfighter Manolete
  10. Júbilo – a horse that brings joy and celebration to its owners
  11. Kilómetro – a horse with incredible speed and endurance, named after the metric system of measurement
  12. Laberinto – a horse that is tricky to beat and hard to predict, named after a maze
  13. Majestad – a horse with a regal and majestic presence
  14. Neptuno – a horse with a powerful and commanding presence, named after the Roman god of the sea
  15. Olimpico – a horse that performs at the highest level, named after the Olympic Games
  16. Patoruzú – a strong and resilient horse, named after a famous Argentine comic book character
  17. Quimera – a horse with an impossible and fantastical spirit, named after a mythical creature
  18. Raudal – a horse with a strong and powerful stream of energy, named after a rapid in a river
  19. Sideral – a horse that reaches for the stars, named after the stars and constellations
  20. Trasnoche – a horse that performs well in nighttime races, named after “trasnochar” meaning to stay up all night
  21. Ulises – a horse with a sense of adventure and wanderlust, named after the famous hero from Greek mythology
  22. Valquiria – a horse with a fierce and warrior-like spirit, named after the mythical Norse goddesses
  23. Xanadu – a horse with a dreamlike and idyllic spirit, named after the famous poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  24. Yacumenza – a horse with a mystical and magical spirit, named after an indigenous mythological figure
  25. Zafiro – a horse with a rare and precious spirit, named after the precious gemstone
  26. Arcoiris – a horse with a colorful and vibrant spirit, named after the rainbow
  27. Bravío – a horse with a wild and untamed spirit, named after the wild bulls of Spain
  28. Cazador – a horse that hunts down and overtakes its competitors
  29. Dardo – a horse that is quick and precise, named after the dart
  30. Espíritu Libre – a horse that embodies freedom and independence
  31. Frontera – a horse that pushes the boundaries and challenges the status quo, named after the border
  32. Galope Fino – a horse with a refined and elegant gallop, named after the traditional gait in Paso Fino horses
  33. Hierro – a horse that is tough and unbreakable, named after the iron
  34. Jirafa – a horse with a long and graceful stride, named after the giraffe
  35. Kermes – a horse with a bright and vivid spirit, named after the red dye made from insects
  36. Leopardo – a horse with a sleek and speedy spirit, named after the leopard
  37. Malambo – a horse with a rhythmic and lively spirit, named after a traditional Argentine dance
  38. Noctámbulo – a horse that performs well in night races, named after the night owl
  39. Océano – a horse with a calm and powerful presence, named after the ocean
  40. Palenque – a horse with a strong and steady spirit, named after the posts used to tie up horses
  41. Querubín – a horse with a sweet and angelic spirit, named after the cherub
  42. Rayuela – a horse that jumps and leaps with ease, named after the popular children’s game
  43. Sultán – a horse with a royal and majestic presence, named after the sultan
  44. Trueno – a horse with a powerful and thunderous spirit, named after the thunder
  45. Unicornio – a horse with a magical and mythical spirit, named after the unicorn
  46. Venus – a horse with a beautiful and graceful presence, named after the Roman goddess of beauty and love
  47. Wapiti – a horse with a strong and majestic presence, named after the elk
  48. Xóchitl – a horse with a delicate and floral spirit, named after the Nahuatl word for flower
  49. Yunga – a horse that thrives in high altitudes, named after the ecological region in the Andes Mountains
  50. Zamba – a horse with a rhythmic and graceful spirit, named after a traditional Argentine dance.

Criollo Horse Regal Names

  1. Alhaja – a precious and valuable horse, named after the Spanish word for jewel
  2. Bastión – a horse with a strong and impenetrable spirit, named after the fortress
  3. Cazalla – a horse with a commanding and dominant presence, named after the Spanish city
  4. Diamantino – a horse with a rare and precious spirit, named after the diamond
  5. Espléndido – a horse with a grand and magnificent presence, named after the Spanish word for splendid
  6. Fantasma – a horse with an elusive and mysterious spirit, named after the phantom
  7. Galán – a horse with a charming and dashing presence, named after the Spanish word for gentleman
  8. Heraclio – a horse with a powerful and heroic spirit, named after the Greek hero
  9. Imperioso – a horse with a regal and imposing presence, named after the Spanish word for imperious
  10. Jazmín Real – a horse with a delicate and royal spirit, named after the jasmine flower and the Spanish word for royal
  11. Kallpa – a horse with a strong and resilient spirit, named after the Quechua word for strength
  12. Lealtad – a horse with a loyal and faithful spirit, named after the Spanish word for loyalty
  13. Magnífico – a horse with a grand and impressive presence, named after the Spanish word for magnificent
  14. Nobleza – a horse with a noble and honorable spirit, named after the Spanish word for nobility
  15. Oro y Plata – a horse with a valuable and precious spirit, named after the Spanish phrase for gold and silver
  16. Poderoso – a horse with a powerful and commanding presence, named after the Spanish word for powerful
  17. Quetzal – a horse with a colorful and exotic spirit, named after the bird of the same name
  18. Resplandor – a horse with a shining and radiant presence, named after the Spanish word for radiance
  19. Soberano – a horse with a regal and sovereign presence, named after the Spanish word for sovereign
  20. Trébol – a horse with a lucky and fortunate spirit, named after the Spanish word for clover
  21. Único – a horse with a unique and one-of-a-kind spirit, named after the Spanish word for unique
  22. Valeroso – a horse with a brave and courageous spirit, named after the Spanish word for valorous
  23. Xarifa – a horse with an exotic and mysterious spirit, named after the Arabic word for noblewoman
  24. Yunque – a horse with a sturdy and durable spirit, named after the Spanish word for anvil
  25. Zafra – a horse with a valuable and precious spirit, named after the Spanish word for harvest
  26. Albañil – a horse with a strong and hardworking spirit, named after the Spanish word for mason
  27. Brillante – a horse with a bright and sparkling presence, named after the Spanish word for brilliant
  28. Candelaria – a horse with a pure and radiant spirit, named after the Spanish word for candle
  29. Dama de Noche – a horse with a graceful and elegant presence, named after the Spanish name for the night-blooming jasmine flower
  30. Escarapela – a horse with a patriotic and spirited presence, named after the emblem worn by soldiers in Argentina’s War of Independence
  31. Fulgor – a horse with a glowing and luminous presence, named after the Spanish word for radiance.
  32. Grial – a horse with a rare and mystical spirit, named after the Holy Grail
  33. Hidalgo – a horse with a noble and chivalrous spirit, named after the Spanish knights
  34. Incansable – a horse with an unstoppable and tireless spirit, named after the Spanish word for tireless
  35. Jinetillo – a horse with a spirited and agile presence, named after a term used to describe a skilled horseman
  36. Kóbold – a horse with a mischievous and playful spirit, named after the German mythical creature
  37. León – a horse with a strong and fearless spirit, named after the lion
  38. Majá – a horse with a sleek and agile spirit, named after the South American snake
  39. Nébula – a horse with a mystical and celestial spirit, named after the Spanish word for nebula
  40. Orfeo – a horse with a musical and poetic spirit, named after the legendary Greek musician
  41. Pegaso – a horse with a mythical and winged spirit, named after the winged horse of Greek mythology
  42. Quirón – a horse with a wise and knowledgeable spirit, named after the Greek centaur
  43. Regalo – a horse with a generous and giving spirit, named after the Spanish word for gift
  44. Soñador – a horse with a dreamy and imaginative spirit, named after the Spanish word for dreamer
  45. Titan – a horse with a powerful and mighty spirit, named after the Greek Titans
  46. Utopía – a horse with an idealistic and perfect spirit, named after the Greek concept of a perfect world
  47. Vencedor – a horse with a victorious and triumphant spirit, named after the Spanish word for conqueror
  48. Wotan – a horse with a fierce and powerful spirit, named after the Germanic god Odin
  49. Xifón – a horse with a sharp and cutting spirit, named after the Spanish word for pruning shears
  50. Yelmo – a horse with a strong and protective spirit, named after the Spanish word for helmet.

Nature Inspired Criollo Horse Names

  1. Amazona – a horse with a wild and untamed spirit, named after the Amazon rainforest
  2. Bahía – a horse with a calm and serene presence, named after the bay
  3. Cielo – a horse with a sky-high spirit, named after the Spanish word for sky
  4. Delta – a horse with a flowing and meandering spirit, named after the delta region
  5. Estrella – a horse with a bright and shining spirit, named after the Spanish word for star
  6. Flor de Cactus – a horse with a resilient and unique spirit, named after the cactus flower
  7. Grulla – a horse with a graceful and elegant presence, named after the crane
  8. Huella – a horse with a strong and lasting spirit, named after the footprints left in the sand
  9. Islote – a horse with a small and isolated spirit, named after the islet
  10. Jacarandá – a horse with a colorful and vibrant spirit, named after the purple flower
  11. Karukinka – a horse with a wild and untouched spirit, named after a nature reserve in Chile
  12. Lobo de Río – a horse with a strong and swift spirit, named after the South American river wolf
  13. Madriguera – a horse with a cozy and secure spirit, named after the burrow
  14. Nube – a horse with a light and airy spirit, named after the Spanish word for cloud
  15. Oasis – a horse with a refreshing and rejuvenating spirit, named after the desert oasis
  16. Palma – a horse with a tall and regal presence, named after the palm tree
  17. Quillay – a horse with a strong and resilient spirit, named after the Chilean soapbark tree
  18. Río de la Plata – a horse with a flowing and dynamic spirit, named after the river that runs through Argentina and Uruguay
  19. Sierra – a horse with a rugged and mountainous spirit, named after the mountain range
  20. Tamarugo – a horse with a hardy and resilient spirit, named after the Chilean tree
  21. Uva – a horse with a sweet and juicy spirit, named after the grape
  22. Vega – a horse with a lush and fertile spirit, named after the low-lying meadows
  23. Wakolda – a horse with a mysterious and enchanting spirit, named after the mystical mountain in Patagonia
  24. Xavante – a horse with a wild and free-spirited presence, named after the indigenous tribe
  25. Yerbal – a horse with a natural and energetic spirit, named after the yerba mate plant
  26. Zorzal – a horse with a lively and musical spirit, named after the thrush bird
  27. Acacia – a horse with a resilient and strong spirit, named after the African tree
  28. Bosque – a horse with a peaceful and calming presence, named after the Spanish word for forest
  29. Cascada – a horse with a powerful and refreshing spirit, named after the waterfall
  30. Duna – a horse with a free and wild spirit, named after the sand dune
  31. Eucalipto – a horse with a refreshing and invigorating spirit, named after the eucalyptus tree
  32. Fénix – a horse with a resilient and reborn spirit, named after the mythical bird
  33. Granito – a horse with a strong and sturdy spirit, named after the granite rock
  34. Eucalipto – a horse with a refreshing and invigorating spirit, named after the eucalyptus tree
  35. Fénix – a horse with a resilient and reborn spirit, named after the mythical bird
  36. Granito – a horse with a strong and sturdy spirit, named after the granite rock
  37. Helecho – a horse with a delicate and intricate spirit, named after the fern
  38. Inca – a horse with a powerful and regal spirit, named after the South American empire
  39. Jardín – a horse with a vibrant and lively spirit, named after the Spanish word for garden
  40. Kuri – a horse with a rugged and enduring spirit, named after the Chilean pine tree
  41. Luma – a horse with a gentle and peaceful spirit, named after the Chilean evergreen tree
  42. Montaña – a horse with a strong and powerful presence, named after the mountain
  43. Nenúfar – a horse with a serene and graceful presence, named after the water lily
  44. Orquídea – a horse with an exotic and delicate spirit, named after the orchid flower
  45. Pájaro – a horse with a free and wild spirit, named after the Spanish word for bird
  46. Quimey – a horse with a unique and mystical spirit, named after the Mapuche word for treasure
  47. Rocío – a horse with a refreshing and calming presence, named after the Spanish word for dew
  48. Sombra – a horse with a cool and protective presence, named after the Spanish word for shade
  49. Tierra – a horse with a strong and grounded presence, named after the Spanish word for earth
  50. Urutaú – a horse with a mysterious and nocturnal spirit, named after the South American owl
  51. Violeta – a horse with a sweet and delicate spirit, named after the violet flower
  52. Wala – a horse with a fierce and powerful spirit, named after the Quechua word for tiger
  53. Xanthe – a horse with a vibrant and lively spirit, named after the Greek goddess of yellow.

Criollo Horse Fierce Names

  1. Aguerrido – a horse with a fierce and valiant spirit, named after the Spanish word for fierce
  2. Belicoso – a horse with a combative and aggressive spirit, named after the Spanish word for warlike
  3. Cazador – a horse with a predator-like and vigilant spirit, named after the Spanish word for hunter
  4. Destructo – a horse with a destructive and powerful presence, named after the Spanish word for destructive
  5. Espectro – a horse with a haunting and ominous presence, named after the Spanish word for specter
  6. Feroz – a horse with a savage and fierce spirit, named after the Spanish word for ferocious
  7. Gárgola – a horse with a fearsome and intimidating presence, named after the mythical creature
  8. Halcón – a horse with a swift and predatory presence, named after the Spanish word for falcon
  9. Ira – a horse with a fiery and fierce spirit, named after the Spanish word for wrath
  10. Jauría – a horse with a wild and unruly spirit, named after the Spanish word for pack of wolves
  11. Kóndor – a horse with a majestic and commanding presence, named after the Andean bird of prey
  12. Lobo – a horse with a fierce and ferocious spirit, named after the Spanish word for wolf
  13. Malvado – a horse with a wicked and malevolent spirit, named after the Spanish word for evil
  14. Nefasto – a horse with a dark and ominous presence, named after the Spanish word for disastrous
  15. Ónice – a horse with a fierce and powerful spirit, named after the black and white stone
  16. Poder – a horse with a powerful and dominant presence, named after the Spanish word for power
  17. Quimera – a horse with a mythical and fierce spirit, named after the mythical creature
  18. Relámpago – a horse with a lightning-fast and powerful presence, named after the Spanish word for lightning
  19. Sanguinario – a horse with a bloodthirsty and savage spirit, named after the Spanish word for bloodthirsty
  20. Trueno – a horse with a thunderous and powerful presence, named after the Spanish word for thunder
  21. Último – a horse with a fierce and determined spirit, named after the Spanish word for last
  22. Valiente – a horse with a brave and fearless spirit, named after the Spanish word for brave
  23. Xenón – a horse with a fierce and powerful spirit, named after the chemical element
  24. Yakuza – a horse with a ruthless and fierce spirit, named after the Japanese crime syndicate
  25. Zarpazo – a horse with a fierce and striking presence, named after the Spanish word for claw
  26. Aníbal – a horse with a strong and fearless spirit, named after the famous Carthaginian general
  27. Bronce – a horse with a strong and durable spirit, named after the Spanish word for bronze
  28. Cíclope – a horse with a fierce and intimidating presence, named after the Greek mythological giant
  29. Demonio – a horse with a fierce and demonic spirit, named after the Spanish word for demon
  30. Eclipse – a horse with a dark and powerful presence, named after the celestial phenomenon
  31. Furia – a horse with a fierce and raging spirit, named after the Spanish word for fury.
  32. Gorgona – a horse with a fierce and terrifying presence, named after the mythical creature
  33. Hiena – a horse with a cunning and ferocious spirit, named after the Spanish word for hyena
  34. Incendio – a horse with a fiery and intense spirit, named after the Spanish word for fire
  35. Jefe – a horse with a dominant and powerful presence, named after the Spanish word for boss
  36. Kalashnikov – a horse with a fierce and formidable spirit, named after the Russian rifle
  37. Lanza – a horse with a sharp and piercing presence, named after the Spanish word for spear
  38. Mamba – a horse with a fast and deadly presence, named after the venomous snake
  39. Nemesio – a horse with a fierce and unbeatable spirit, named after the Latin name for the goddess of vengeance
  40. Onix – a horse with a dark and powerful presence, named after the black stone
  41. Poderoso – a horse with a strong and dominant presence, named after the Spanish word for powerful
  42. Quetzal – a horse with a beautiful and majestic presence, named after the Central American bird
  43. Rayo – a horse with a lightning-fast and powerful presence, named after the Spanish word for lightning bolt
  44. Samurái – a horse with a disciplined and fierce spirit, named after the Japanese warrior
  45. Terremoto – a horse with a powerful and earthquake-like presence, named after the Spanish word for earthquake
  46. Úrsula – a horse with a fierce and commanding presence, named after the Latin name for bear
  47. Venganza – a horse with a fierce and vengeful spirit, named after the Spanish word for revenge
  48. Xibalba – a horse with a dark and menacing presence, named after the Mayan underworld
  49. Yaku – a horse with a fierce and relentless spirit, named after the Japanese word for water
  50. Zorro – a horse with a cunning and sly spirit, named after the Spanish word for fox.

Wrap Up

Naming a horse is a unique and personal experience that requires careful consideration. With the 250 Criollo horse names and meanings we’ve provided, we hope we’ve made the process a little bit easier for you. Whether you’re looking for a fierce name for a spirited horse or a regal name for a majestic one, there’s something for everyone on this list. Remember, the name you choose will be a reflection of your horse’s personality, so take your time and choose wisely. We wish you and your Criollo horse a long and happy journey together!